
Once the great metropolitan state surrounding Naratori City, the island was ravaged during the first year of the civil war, leading to much of it being destroyed. Taiyo-Aki had control of the state for a short time, before they were attacked by the most unexpected of foes: the Corsair Consortium. While the Empire was focused on their war against the rest of Kawakuni, Kawakunese Captain Kira Ona, Captain Sun Delan from the Yao Dynasty, Eleutherian Captain Gorgion, Captain Yindao from the Yao Dynasty, and Sacratean Captain Redlocks made an alliance to take advantage of the situation and invade Naratori. They created the Corsair Consortium and invaded Naratori City with roughly 3000 ships, completely overwhelming the Akians. Working together and following the Naratori Accord they created together, the city was rebuilt, followed by the rest of the city-state. New Naratori was finished, the first pirate-state.

Swine squeal under thy heel.

Founding Date
852 CE
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
New Naratori
Ruling Organization
Neighboring Nations

Cover image: by Sylvian Lorgeou