Forverret Ethnicity in Fractura | World Anvil
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"Being slaves to Provectus and its desires left us starved of happiness on the island. Then we got the hope we needed once eavesdropping was employed on the guards. You see, the island of Fractura is much more than just an island, intel suggests many islands and settlements surround the mainland. One of these settlements hold the Forverret, an elfish tribe of destitute souls. Raids from both Caesellius Vindex and Provectus left them poor and a desire for revenge in their hearts. Though not quite human we had an unlikely hope of liberation. Then that fateful night came, we could hear them rush to the shore. And a few gunshots later from the severely undermanned security we were freed. They interrogated us for any information on Provectus or Caesellius Vindex; few of us were reluctant to talk." - Robert Gaul (A Provector sent to a prison camp off-island)


Major language groups and dialects

The Forverret settlement is very diverse when it comes to languages. The settlement is divided into communities with their own language. You would only ever talk in your community's language to your kin. Normally, everyone communicates in Alviske; making everyone bilingual.

Shared customary codes and values

After the great raids on their settlement, the Forverret swore an oath to take back from Caesellius Vindex and Provectus. Ever since those dark times, they've been strategically taking islands from Provectus' grasp. Yet to make a move on the Vindexians, the Forverret have been successful by not causing too much trouble.

Average technological level

Compared to the two opposing factions, the Forverret strike in the middle of the technological scale. Not too advanced but not as primitive as Caesellius Vindex.

Common Etiquette rules

The Forverret are not savages, they actually have very civil rules and laws. If you're only taken as a fugitive, just be sure to never mention your Vindexian/Provector heritage (unless if you're looking for a brawl).

Art & Architecture

Since the weather is calm, the Forverret can get away with building houses out of wood and glass. These homes are pieces of art in it of themselves, yet other mediums are still used. Paintings are the most popular kind of art that people use to express themselves.

Coming of Age Rites

Once you reach thirteen years of age, you're given a stone necklace to symbolize your adolescence. When someone crosses the threshold of their eighteenth birthday, they're given a gold necklace to wear for life.

Funerary and Memorial customs

On one's burial grounds, some leaves and a stone is placed. The leaves will blow away and eventually die; representing their temporary life. The stone might be misplaced over time but will always be the same piece matter no matter how many changes it endures; symbolizing the person's legacy is permanent.

Historical figures

The Forverret settlement is still fairly new, so it doesn't have much in the history books. Besides a few Jarls there aren't many notable figures.


Gender Ideals

The lucky few born female generally hold most of the power in the government. About 5% of the Forverret population are born female. The extreme ratio in gender population lead to women being worshipped as goddesses of wisdom. This is why all Jarls and their courts have consisted of women. Overall, the Forverret women are statistically better at decision-making and hold a lot of charisma. This makes them excellent leaders especially for planning raids. Most of the population work labor jobs and trade among the settlement.

Courtship Ideals

Before two Forverret citizens can have children, they must get married. This is to prevent from illegitimate children to be born without care in the settlement.
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