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The Arrival of The Skyshard Federation

Era beginning/end


Ashteran was used to seeing skyships come and go at this point. Having a one-of-a-kind export good with Appleite Cider and Sparkstone. But it came to a surprise when a fleet of advanced airships (these required no balloon) wielding the same banner arrived at Ashteran.

Ashteran was used to seeing skyships come and go at this point. Having a one-of-a-kind export good with Appleite Cider and Sparkstone. But it came to a surprise when a fleet of advanced airships (these required no balloon) wielding the same banner arrived at Ashteran.   These newcomers declared themselves the protectors of Ashteran and that this region was now under the watchful eye of the Skyshard Federation. Being outgunned on every level, the citizens of Ashteran accepted this fate that was forced upon them.   For a while, life went on as normal as the federationists and inhabitants worked closely to improve the way of life. But over the course of many years, the federation took complete control over Ashteran, with the inhabitants being pushed to second-class citizens and corruption being wide-spread.

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