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History of Atreshan

Atreshan is an area containing a kingdom sized island and several smaller ones floating in the vicinity. This is the starting location of the party.

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    The discovery of Atreshan
    Discovery, Exploration

    A group of Planeswalkers and several settlers from far away, discovered an inhabitable region. The settlers and their families stayed behind, while the Planeswalkers left several years later after having restocked their supplies.

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    The founding of Lunaris

    Shortly after the discovery of Atreshan, the settlers went to work in creating a permanent abode. This became the village of Lunaris. Over time the populace became to big and many other villages and cities were created over the course of history.

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    A new enemy

    After the founding of Lunaris, it didn't take long before the settlers had interactions with various indiginous people that called Atreshan home.    One of which was were the Grung living deep in the swamps, with whom the settlers could communicate as there were several Grung settlers with them. The other was a then yet-unidentified race, which would become known as Goblins. These small humanoids made their homes in the sprawling forests of Atreshan.   They soon found out that the Goblins, were the less friendly of the two...

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    The Blood War
    Military: War

    With the increase of population and deforestation, came the Blood War. As Goblins were seen as uncivilized and unintelligent, they were driven from their homes in favor of further development of the land. This happened to be a huge mistake as the Goblins had learned a lot from spying on the newcomers, including the creations of weapons and armour.

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    The Fall
    Disaster / Destruction

    In what can only be described as the early hours (time when some wake up, but most are still asleep) a land mass dropped from the sky into the Maholitah Depths, killing thousands of people in the process.

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    The Appleites

    With the events of The Fall, a new relgious movement was created, the Order of the Apple. The members of this order are, crazy, to say the least. After building a monastary on the know named Apple Isle, they began experimenting with various ways on how to use this new fruit. Their main trade good being Appleite Cider, an alcoholic beverage for those that like a sweet refreshing drink.

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    The Arrival of The Skyshard Federation
    Era beginning/end

    Ashteran was used to seeing skyships come and go at this point. Having a one-of-a-kind export good with Appleite Cider and Sparkstone. But it came to a surprise when a fleet of advanced airships (these required no balloon) wielding the same banner arrived at Ashteran.

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    A new generation of Planewalkers

    And this is where our story begins... a group of misfits, hungry for adventure and maybe a life away from the corruption and misery that the Skyshard Federation brings. Will our group become heroes of legend, rebelions overthrowing the corrupt institution that is the Skyshard Federation or maybe explorers, looking for a new place to settle down, only time will tell.

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    The Second Blood War
    Military: War

    The goblins who've stayed silent for generations have somehow managed to replicate most of Atreshans technologies. After a first attempt to blow Lunaris out of the plane was thwarted by a group of adventurers, they have now launched a full assault across Atreshan, destroying all but the last stronghold, Lunaris. Will the Atreshanians prevail, or will be this the start of their extinction... only time will tell.