Buddel Brecken

A Humane created Beast altered Ancestor Species from the Croal-Footed Dricken and Svatel Dricken.   They are stocky creatures, bred out of the quick and sleek bodies and have broad shoulders to pull carts and thick chests and legs to endure a hard day's work.   They are good tempered herbivores, and a popular choice in farming and Bridgeway work, if slow but consistent pacing is acceptable.   Because of their large size they are used mostly on slower pulled vehicles like the commonform's Bridge Carriage instead of in cities where would take up too much space to be warranted.   They have five hollow horns on their face, inherieted from the Croal-Footed Dricken, that emit a vapor that glows under Dust Water. It's unseen when not wearing the specialized glass bubbles, that are lined with the powder of dustwater and activate a small but constant light source when they travel along the bridgeways.
One of the first engineered beast created from DEPART. They are an essential working beast worth its weight.    
"This here is Croalie, she's one of my bigger brecken and the strongest one in this heard. Look at that gorgeous croal on her footing, you don't get any more decorative than that. Doesn't get in the way of her working either, just something nice to look at."
-proud commonform farmer


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