The White Company Organization in From Across the Shattered Sea | World Anvil
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The White Company

Honoring Old Loyalties

The White Company is a volunteer group of Man-at-Arms, Knights, and Guardsmen from Bleda who have elected to serve Athera and Pelliny in their war against the Raiders. A group of mosty human warriors, there are a few Vvulfjr who have decided to join, seeking adventure and prestige. Led by one of the lesser Lords of Bleda, these soldiers arrived in Pelliny not long after the fall of Seaview. Arriving first in Pelliny, the White Company earned their reputation fighting the Sea Raiders across the southern coastline of Pelliny, and the northern coasts of County Corvec.

The initial White Company was made up of only 34 Memebers, with the majority human and three Vvulfjr. As their reputation grew, and word reached Bleda of their exploits their numbers quickly grew as many warriors sought to earn fame and fortune in the fields of Athera.

Later in the conflict the White Company joined up with the unified army of Cal-Corvec, Cal-Edus, and Pelliny-Nation as they moved south to counter the advance of the main Raider army. Although a small portion of the fighting force, the commitment and ferocity of the White Company made them an indispensible part of the larger army.

Led by a lesser Lord who sought to prove themself, Lord Beljr Kvyn. They were a human Lord named in the Vvulfjr manner, Lord Kvyn and their family were popular leaders among the Vvulfjr minority of Bleda. When they set out he was young, and largely untested and like those of their company sought to prove their worth in service of the homeland. The White Company bares the crest of Lord Kvyn in gold stitching upon a white surcoat which covers the armor of the chest. As well the shields they carry are painted stark white, with the same golden crest painted on their center. Beyond these marking features, there is no standardized equipment of the White Company. All memebers provide their own kit, and as such they have developed many unconventional tactics to be effective as a fighting force.


The White Company is loosely organized, with most of its memebers serving as equals and collectively making decisions. The only person who holds any significant power is Lord Kvyn, who has final say on what is to be done. Although they lead with help of the concensious of the company.


The White Company's assests are very limited, only a few dozen soldier at its founding. As the war escaleted and the reputation of the White Company grew, their numbers swelled to roughly a hundred. These soldiers provide their own weapons, and armor when they join, and are responsible for maintianing their own equipment.


The White Company is one of the newer military organizations, having only been founded within the most recent years. As well it is one of the smaller martial orders in the world, but has quickly earned a reputation greater than its size and age.


Once word reached Bleda of the coming conflict many felt a duty to step up and assist their kin across the mountains. Holding old loyalties to Pelliny and Athera, many of the guards and soldiers wished to join this conflict. The Prince of Bleda called an assembly of his lords, to decide their course of action. With the on going tense relations between the Eastern, and the Vvulfjr tribes the Prince felt he could not over extend his resources, and was concerned official support may violate old treaties with the Eastern. It was Lord Beljr Kvyn who suggested taking a small group of volunteers to assist the people of Athera and Pelliny. The Prince recognized that this would serve well his intent without catching wider attention. As such he authorized Lord Kvyn to recruit any who wished to join him, and take them across the mountains to war.

Lord Kvyn recruited actively from the guard, the knights of Bleda, and many mercinaries which called the city home. Initially there were few who chose to join this young and unproven lord, only the most adventure seeking among the warriors of the city joined with the First Company.

Departure of the First Company

Setting out from Bleda the road to Pelliny is long and even in the warm season is difficult. Crossing the tall mountains which seperate Whitehelm from the Heartlands as they are capped with snow nearly year round. Beyond the enviornmental hazards, there are a few territory tribes of Vvulfjr that reside and hunt across these mountains. With their limited supplies and numbers this crossing was the first challenge of the White Company. In an alpine forest near the pass the White Company fell under attack by a Vuvlfjr tribe. The skirmish itself was short, the skilled warriors of the White Company fought hard against the Vvulfjr and quickly drove them back. With their leadership demonstrated, Lord Kvyn now led a far more unified company willing to follow them in combat. It was after this combat that they also showed how they intended to lead, by concessus of the group.

Arrival in Pelliny


After the War

Although the original White Company was disbanded after the end of the war, its legacy lingers as a small martial order. This order has no official role, but opperates under the leadership of the Prince and defends the realm against all threats. This order is run out of the Kvyn Estate, and maintains around twenty active memebers during peace time. It is the first line of defense of Bleda, and acts under the concesus of all memebers.

Campaign Setting Information

Common Classes Within the Organization

The ranks of the White Company are made up of a wide verity of different classes, as there is no standard type who joined the group. Being made up of knights, guards, mercinaries, and the warriors of the Vvulfjr any type of warrior could be found within their ranks. The most common are Fighter, Barbarian, Ranger, and one or two Paladins. Nearly any subclass can be found of these classes, and players who wish to become a memeber of the White Company or have it as part of their background could come from any walk of life.
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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