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Veronica La'Belle, Fourth Arbiter of the Foundation

Their name is derived from Voidlings; at least what they can articulate through speech. The summoners spoke with 10 Voids all of which were of higher intelligence than the ones we would commonly find in the Void. Three claimed they belong to Mariax Stygal; we did find them in this Greater Void's realm. I have worked with these specific Voids in past missions, but it is the one who named himself "Ronove" I place the most validity with. Ronove did give us some information, however not enough to properly asses what reapers are.

Ronove and several other Voids confirmed that their moniker does indeed come from the beings of the Void. I suspect this may be from fear. Ronove claimed their purpose lies with culling them and diminishing their presence outside the Void. Ronove could not tell me much beyond that, but he claimed it was their "purpose". I could extrude from this statement that they are natural enemies and perhaps even created. Saying the reapers are created is a far stretch, I admit. But our interviews confirm their existence; no creature we spoke with denied they existed or were ignorant of them.



First hand witnesses of reapers are difficult to come by as many have been killed. Ronove and one other individual, "Sight-From-Above" have claimed to have encountered reapers. Both stated they appear as "mortal shapes". Their accounts show a pattern of human and even Andeamer "shapes".


One interesting trait all my sources agreed on is that these beings never show their true face. They specified they meant this in the most literal way. Reapers wear masks to obscure who they are. These masks will vary but have the same over-all appearance--they are all white-- Ronove later told me. From these statements, there is much to extrude. One is the possibility that they are created from people or they are some kind of being similar to a Void. I feel the possibility of them being some other kind of being disguising themselves as something is extremely likely; we know some Voids can do this. This assumption would also tell us they have or have had contact with humans and andeamer. Given how little we know about the "ätherä" and the void-borne, I can see there being room for such a case. Of course there are other possibilities I am still formulating on with other arbiters.


Ronove had no insight as to where they come from or if they reproduced. He doubts they are mortal beings, despite what they look like. None of the other Voids had anything to say as well. Any claims appeared to be myths or legends about the reapers so I honestly wouldn't bother pursuing them, but I attached those statements to my report as well.



Ronove's insight to the reapers states they have particular abilities to assist in culling Void-borne creatures. He claims any reaper has the ability to "absorb the void-soul in its entirety." When I asked him to further explain he stated, "No void-soul can truly die by mortal hands. We return to the Void upon 'death' to be reborn into what we once were. Reapers cease this cycle as can other Void-spawn. Both the same way; by absorbing them. The Void-soul is ripped apart to the atom then given to the being that slew it." If true, this would explain why we struggle with repelling Void-born creatures. If they are immune to true death by the hands of anything other than another Void or reaper, they are effectively immortal in this world. Ronove further confirmed that this would be their true death; anything about that particular Void is lost upon true death. He also claimed it is how Greater Voids rise to power; this is something I would like to explore in later inquiries. Another Void we referred to, one which I cannot place much stock in, but I do believe it has had trouble with reapers before. This one called itself Sight-From-Above. Ronove called this Void Azray-den Orrothriel when we returned to him for further questions. He stated this Void follows none but itself and would not have reason to scheme unless for survival, but "those who claim no allegiance are to be wary of".

Sight-From-Above claimed it has encountered many reapers and even killed a few. It reiterated it is not "one of the arrogant that seek out reapers for power." It stated many Voids think because reapers take on mortals shapes they would be easy to kill, but are quickly proven wrong. Sight-From-Above confirmed reapers can bring true death to Void-spawn, but they also have unique abilities and styles that vary. It state the first one he managed to kill was a new reaper and inexperienced, but was was much quicker than other reapers and even Sight-From-Above itself. It claimed to have killed this reaper by luring it into a pool of thickened "Water" which caused both of them an equal speed in battle.




I am still unsure what reapers are. I am beginning to doubt their existence as I have yet to see proof of one, beyond the tales of the Void-borne.

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