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Zephyrites (Ze-Fy-Ri-t)

A subspecies of Butterflies and Fae that is well known as a mischievous species that lives in the forest. They use mana as a form of sustenance and also use mana for all other purposes.   They do not posses a mouth, ears or even wings. What they have is a pair of eyes and a special system inside their body known as a mana re-circulation system. It is essentially a digestive system for mana that almost no other species have. With this system they can utilize mana for any number of things.   They create a pair of wings with mana that they use for movement. The wings change shape depending on the mood and emotions of the Zephyrites. This makes the colors of the wing be in a constant shift from one to the other giving forth a beautiful shift. Along with the wings, the Zephyrites can also create sounds and paired with how they fly and the colorful wings, the result is a dance with melodies and colorful glows.   They are often seen near a special sentient tree species known as Zephyridite , that act as a home for the Zephyrites, commonly referred to a the Zephyrite's Home . The butterflies and the The tree has an understanding of the surroundings, and using these Zephyridite instructs Zephyrites to do jobs. By doing said jobs the Zephyrites obtain a form of mana that the race considers to be "Delicious".   The Zephyrites elects a leader among them to communicate with the tree allowing them to understand what the tree desires. This leader figure is capable of communication with languages but only using simple words like 'yes' or 'no' which it makes using mana.   Zephyrites are well known as pranksters often doing various pranks on unsuspecting fellows. These range from disappearing objects that their targets have via light magic, invoking a sense of somebody tickling them and even becoming similar to their target of prank via illusion magic and confusing them. That said the race is not an inherently evil race and will often will their target be if said target is displaying too strong of an emotion.   Very few people become close to the race as they like having pranks and dislike people doing scientific experiments on them. However those that becomes good friends are always good natured souls as the species can easily differentiate between those that have malicious thoughts and those that do not. Whether this be due to how they see mana or something else, remains to be seen.

Basic Information


A Partially ethereal species. The physical appearance is similar to a slender pen-like bug with a pair of eyes. They do not have legs, or antennas or even a mouth. Instead of a digestive system, what they possess is a mana re-circulation system where they absorb mana in their immediate surroundings and use it.  By using the mana, they can create a pair of wings that they can control at will. The wings that can be of any color and size is how they communicate with other species with the wings changing colors to display how they feel. While they do not have a mouth, they can make sounds via mana that allows them to make melodies that fit their current mood and/or purpose.

Genetics and Reproduction

*Some Tedious Procedure involving mana*

Dietary Needs and Habits

It uses mana as sustenance. It uses mana for almost every task it does.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While they do have eyes, their best way to see the world is via mana sensing. Due to the mana re-circulation system inside of them, their ability to comprehend mana is superb compared to most species. The magical wings they make also lets them feel sounds carried by the winds helping them in their pranks.
Scientific Name
Lepidoptera order, other details unknown
Geographic Distribution


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