AGENT A0-3959X.91-15

A genetic accelerant created by an ancient race of alien Engineers, Agent A0-3959X.91-15 is a black, tar-like substance with both destructive and life-generating capabilities. While it exists in a viscous liquid form, it atomizes when released in the atmosphere, killing or altering all living things unlucky enough to be within range. While the full extent of its potential is unknown, any corporation that finds out about it wants it. The only thing known for certain about Agent A0-3959X.91-15 and its derivatives is that its mutagenic capabilities are responsible for the creation of Abominations, Neomorphs, and other abhorrent creatures. Simply put: any living thing that comes into direct contact with the black goo will either die horribly, give birth to monsters, or become a monster themselves. Tread lightly and look underfoot for alien spores.
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Cover image: by DALLE


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