The history of the Middle Heavens is a saga of human ambition, exploration, and survival in the face of unimaginable horrors. It begins in the late 21st century, a time when humanity first ventured beyond Earth, driven by the promise of new frontiers and untapped resources. Pioneering advances in space travel and terraforming technology enabled the colonization of distant planets, sparking a new era of interstellar expansion.   As humanity spread across the galaxy, powerful corporations like Weyland-Yutani rose to prominence, shaping the socio-economic landscape with their technological innovations and ambitious agendas. These corporations spearheaded efforts to terraform hostile worlds, mine precious minerals, and establish new colonies, often placing profit above ethical considerations.   Amid this backdrop of corporate dominance and technological advancement, humanity encountered extraterrestrial lifeforms that defied understanding. Among these discoveries were the deadly xenomorphs, a parasitic species with a terrifying life cycle and unmatched adaptability. The pursuit and containment of these creatures became a dark obsession for corporations like Weyland-Yutani, which saw in them the potential for unprecedented bioweapons.   The encounter with the xenomorphs marked a turning point, exposing the frailty of human endeavors in the vast, hostile cosmos. Colonies were lost, lives were sacrificed, and the true cost of humanity's expansion became starkly evident. Governments and corporations scrambled to protect their interests, often resorting to secrecy and subterfuge to maintain control over these dangerous entities.   Throughout the 22nd and 23rd centuries, the struggle for survival and dominance continued. Independent factions emerged, exploiting the chaos and pushing the boundaries of law and order. These groups, ranging from space pirates to religious cults, further complicated the already volatile interstellar landscape.   Despite these challenges, humanity's indomitable spirit endured. Scientific breakthroughs, resilient colonies, and brave individuals forged ahead, determined to carve out a future amidst the stars. The history of the Aliens universe is thus a testament to human perseverance, the quest for knowledge, and the relentless pursuit of progress, even in the face of the darkest unknowns.

Articles under HISTORY

Cover image: by DALLE


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