To: Sterling Cooper, CEO
From: Don Draper, Product Marketing
Ref: "Bug Juice" Protein Drink Advertisement Pitch
  I really feel like we're on to a winner with this one Coop, got a real frontier vibe that even the folks on the core worlds will lap up.  
In the far reaches of space, where humanity is pushing the boundaries of survival, there's a need for a reliable, nutritious, and affordable sustenance. Introducing "Bug Juice" Protein Drink – the ultimate solution for the modern frontier colonist.  
Panel 1: Rugged Frontier Landscape
Visual: A rugged, frontier landscape with colonists working hard on an arid planet.
Voiceover: "In the harsh environments of the Frontier, survival is a daily challenge. Pioneers need strength, resilience, and nutrition to thrive."
Panel 2: Close-up of a Tired Colonist
Visual: A close-up of a tired colonist, wiping sweat from their brow, looking weary from the day's labor.
Voiceover: "But what keeps these pioneers going? What fuels their determination and energy?"
Panel 3: Colonist Drinking Bug Juice
Visual: The colonist opens a pack of "Bug Juice" Protein Drink and takes a sip, visibly rejuvenating with each gulp.
Voiceover: "Introducing 'Bug Juice' Protein Drink – a high-protein, calorie-rich drink made from sustainably farmed insects. It's the perfect blend of mealworms, roaches, beetles, and more, packed with the nutrients you need to keep going."
Panel 4: Nutritional Value Breakdown
Visual: An infographic displaying the nutritional benefits of "Bug Juice" – protein, vitamins, and hydration.
Voiceover: "Loaded with protein, essential vitamins, and hydration, 'Bug Juice' is designed to keep you at your best, even in the toughest conditions."
Panel 5: Colonists Working with Renewed Energy
Visual: Colonists working with renewed energy and vigor, thanks to "Bug Juice."
Voiceover: "From the early morning to the setting sun, 'Bug Juice' gives you the energy and stamina to face the challenges of the Frontier."
Panel 6: Diverse Range of Products
Visual: A variety of "Bug Juice" flavors and packaging options displayed on a table.
Voiceover: "Available in a range of delicious flavors and convenient packaging, 'Bug Juice' is your go-to solution for nutrition on the go."
Panel 7: Slogan and Branding
Visual: The "Bug Juice" logo and slogan with a rugged, frontier-themed background.
Voiceover: "Bug Juice – Fuel Your Frontier."
"Bug Juice" Protein Drink is more than just a meal replacement; it's a lifeline for those daring to explore and settle the outer reaches of space. Affordable, nutritious, and essential – "Bug Juice" is the fuel that powers the future.  
End Note
Join the ranks of those who thrive in the Frontier. Choose "Bug Juice" Protein Drink and conquer the challenges of space with confidence.

Cover image: by DALLE


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