Formed in the 2050s from the individual nation-states of the African continent, the Central Confederation of Africa (CCA) emerged as a parliamentary unitary republic where governing power rests in a centralized sovereignty. This central government delegates authority to subnational units, distributing policy decisions for local implementation. As a permanent member of the UNISC security council, the CCA plays a significant role in interstellar politics. Wary of disputes between interstellar neighbours, the CCA parliament aspires to unify the supernations into United Systems, with each supernation as a member state under one centralized government.  

Interstellar Presence and Influence

At first glance, the Central Confederation of Africa might seem like a minor interstellar power—the star nation doesn't have a significant presence on a map of the Middle Heavens. Instead, they maintained independent colonies spread throughout the territories of the Interstellar Commerce Commission (ICSC), United Americas (UA), and the Three World Empire (3WE). Despite this dispersed presence, the CCA has made significant exploration and resource acquisition strides.
Exploration of the Nyame Sector
At the end of the last decade, CCA Space Exploration and Ventures (SEV) teams explored the Nyame Sector—an area of space just spinward of the Far Reach, including the infamous space trucker route known as the Gauntlet. This sector is rich in mineral resources, prompting the CCA to settle Sutter's World. From here, they began shipping precious metals to Anchorpoint for international distribution. The wealth of the Nyame Sector has led to the CCA dollar rising in value, rivalling the Weyland-Yutani (W-Y) dollar—a development that Weyland-Yutani finds alarming.  

Economic and Political Impact

Economic Growth
The discovery and exploitation of the Nyame Sector's mineral wealth have significantly boosted the CCA's economy. The rise in the value of the CCA dollar has strengthened its economic standing on the interstellar stage, allowing the CCA to exert more significant influence in international markets.
Political Ambitions
The CCA parliament's vision of a unified United Systems reflects its long-term political ambitions. By promoting peace and stability, the CCA aims to create a more cohesive interstellar community, reducing conflicts and fostering cooperation among supernations.  

Challenges and Security Concerns

Unlike other supernations, the CCA has no discernible borders to protect. This unique position forces them to face the same problems with piracy and invasion as individual Frontier colonies. To address these challenges, the Central Confederation of Africa has poured resources into establishing a peacekeeping organization dedicated to protecting its isolated worlds.
Peacekeeping Efforts
The CCA's investment in a robust peacekeeping force highlights its commitment to ensuring the safety and security of its colonies. This organization stands vigil over the CCA's scattered territories, combating piracy and providing stability in the face of external threats.
Strategic Alliances
The CCA seeks strategic alliances with other interstellar powers to bolster its security and influence. By fostering diplomatic relations and trade agreements, the CCA aims to strengthen its position and safeguard its interests.
Founding Date
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names

Cover image: by DALLE
Character flag image: by DALLE


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