The world of ALIEN is a brutal place. Sometimes, you have no choice but to fight for your life, toe-to-toe with the enemy. Roll for this skill when you attack someone in close combat. Read more about close combat and damage in Chapter 5.  
You stumble and miss. Now it’s your opponent’s turn…  
You hit, and inflict damage equal to the weapon’s Damage rating on your opponent.  
For every extra 6 you roll, choose one of these stunts:  
  • You inflict one more point of damage. You can choose this stunt multiple times, if you roll several 6's.
  • You outmaneuver your enemy and can trade initiative scores with them, taking effect next Round. You can’t go back to your earlier initiative.
  • You knock or pull a weapon or other object from your opponent. You choose which. During combat, picking up a dropped object counts as a fast action.
  • Your opponent is knocked to the ground.
  • You hold your opponent in a grapple. They need to win an opposed CLOSE COMBAT roll against you to break free, and can’t perform any other action until they have done so, or until you are Broken or let them go. This effect only works on humans and synthetics.
    In close combat you can use weapons such as clubs, knives, or power drills.  
    When someone attacks you in close combat, you can try to block the attack..

    Cover image: by DALLE


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