The Colonial Integrity Watch (CIW) is a beacon of hope in the vastness of space, tirelessly dedicated to fighting corruption and promoting ethical governance. Formed by a coalition of former colonial officials, legal experts, and activists, the CIW is a non-governmental organization committed to ensuring transparency, accountability, and fairness across human colonies. In an era where corporate dominance and governmental misconduct often go unchecked, the CIW stands as a vigilant defender of justice, striving to protect the rights and well-being of colonists.  


The CIW’s mission is threefold: to investigate and expose corruption, to advocate for victims of unethical practices, and to ensure that colonial administrations adhere to the highest standards of integrity.
Anti-Corruption Efforts
The CIW tirelessly uncovers the dark underbelly of colonial administrations and corporate giants. Their investigations reveal bribery, embezzlement, fraud, and other forms of misconduct, bringing these injustices to light and demanding accountability.
Advocacy and Legal Support
The CIW offers a lifeline to whistleblowers and victims of corruption. They provide legal assistance and support, helping these brave individuals fight against powerful adversaries. The CIW’s advocacy extends to lobbying for policy changes and reforms, striving to create a fairer system for all.
Monitoring and Enforcement
The CIW monitors colonial administrations with a vigilant eye, ensuring compliance with interstellar laws and ethical standards. Their audits, inspections, and investigations often lead to public reports, highlighting malfeasance and prompting corrective action.  


The path of the CIW is fraught with challenges, yet they remain undeterred in their pursuit of justice.
Corporate Resistance
Titans like Weyland-Yutani often resist the CIW’s efforts, using their vast resources to obstruct investigations and shield their operations from scrutiny. The CIW’s agents must navigate a minefield of legal and physical dangers these powerful entities pose.
Political Pressures
Corrupt colonial governors and officials frequently attempt to undermine the CIW. These individuals, entrenched in power, fear exposure and the loss of their ill-gotten gains. The CIW faces relentless opposition from those who would rather see them silenced.
Resource Constraints
Operating in the far reaches of space, the CIW contends with logistical challenges and limited resources. Despite these obstacles, their commitment to justice propels them forward, undaunted by the enormity of their task.  


The CIW employs a variety of strategies to fulfil its mission:
Investigative Journalism
Skilled investigative journalists travel to remote colonies, documenting and exposing corruption. Their widely published and shared reports bring global attention to issues that might otherwise remain hidden.
Community Engagement
The CIW works closely with local communities, educating colonists about their rights and encouraging them to report corruption. Through workshops, seminars, and public forums, they empower citizens to demand accountability and transparency.
Collaborative Efforts
Partnering with other NGOs, interstellar legal bodies, and ethical corporations, the CIW strengthens its efforts against corruption. These collaborations enhance their investigative capabilities and extend their reach across the galaxy.  


In a universe where corruption often thrives unchecked, the CIW serves as a crucial safeguard for the rights and well-being of colonists. Their relentless pursuit of justice ensures that space exploration and colonization adhere to ethical and responsible practices. The CIW fosters a more just and equitable society among the stars by fighting corruption.   The Colonial Integrity Watch (CIW) is a testament to the enduring human spirit and the quest for justice. In the Aliens universe, they are the guardians of ethical governance, combating corruption and championing the rule of law. Their unwavering dedication to transparency and accountability brings hope to the far-flung colonies, ensuring that integrity prevails in the final frontier.
Activist, Charity
Alternative Names

Cover image: by DALLE
Character flag image: by DALLE


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