“You're all gonna die. Only question is how you check out.
Do you want it on your feet—or on your fuckin’ knees... begging?”
  Fight or flight? That’s the big question, now, isn’t it?   You may feel invincible tucked away behind your cozy character sheet, but your PC is out there on the line—and they are damn well mortal. Remember back in Chapter 2 when we told you not to get your character killed? Consider this your second warning.   Often, it’s a better bet to run away and fight another day—assuming you’re fast enough to escape whatever thing is nipping at your heels. Often, its best to just meld into the shadows and be all quiet-like. Before releasing the safety on your pulse rifle, always ask yourself—is it worth it?   Sometimes you have no choice. Sometimes that alien thing you thought was right behind you is already waiting for you in that dark corner you thought was safe.   Just coming face-to-face with an alien monstrosity can turn your mind to jelly. You may only have a split second before the beast dismembers you and crushes your skull.   And alien species aren’t the only danger.   People on the Frontier are jerks. Sometimes, someone just sticks a gun in your face. When backed against a wall, you damn well better fight. When someone or something comes for you, you need to be able to defend yourself.   Here’s how.

Cover image: by DALLE


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