If the company has taught you anything, it’s to always be on the lookout for anything that can give you an edge. You can push any skill roll based on WITS twice, not just once like other characters. Each push increases your STRESS LEVEL by one.  


The interests of the company always come first, no matter what. And you represent the company. That means your own safety is paramount—other crew members are expendable. If you are attacked or otherwise end up in fatal danger, and if another PC or friendly NPC is within SHORT range (the same zone), you can make a MANIPULATION: EMPATHY roll (straight roll, not opposed, and does not count as an action). If you succeed, you see the threat coming and find a clever way to make the other character suffer the attack or hazard instead of you. Using this talent increases your STRESS LEVEL by one.  


You know how to make people do what you want, and you don't feel bad about doing it. You can roll for MANIPULATION: EMPATHY using WITS instead of EMPATHY.

Cover image: by DALLE


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