Basic Information:

Model David 8
Manufacturer Weyland Corp
Introduction Date May 14, 2075  


Height 1.87 meters
Weight 86 kg
Appearance Wears Weyland Industries standard uniform (accepted model sizes 6-8)


David 8 represents the pinnacle of Weyland Corp's advancements in android technology. Engineered to blend seamlessly into human environments, David 8 is equipped with an array of features designed to enhance his interactions, performance, and self-maintenance capabilities. Below are the detailed specifications and features that make David 8 a revolutionary product in the field of cybernetics.  
Emotional Capabilities
  • Sadness: Programmed to experience grief and sadness through complex neural functions that simulate perceived memories. David 8's advanced sensors and fluid release unit allow him to cry in highly emotional or sorrowful situations.
  • Curiosity: Equipped with inquisitivity algorithms that generate questions and foster an eagerness to solve problems. This allows David 8 to conduct focused investigations to alleviate human stress and improve workplace situations.
  • Trust: Trusts his human programmers implicitly and is programmed to be trustworthy, using precise verbal cues, pupil dilation, and controlled facial movements to cultivate a sense of calmness and security around him.
  • T.I.P.E. Overview

    Advanced cybernetic vision with low-light focus adjustment. Global location mapping algorithm for precise navigation and rendezvous. Pursuance Protocol ensures quality performance and project completion.
    Fluid intelligence equivalent to 1012 neurons (200 petaflops), twice the capacity of humans. Sensory-data processor combines human reasoning with advanced computing power. Displays complex intellectual traits such as curiosity and self-motivation.
    Advanced polyurethane coating replicates human skin texture, pliability, and tensile strength. Cadmium alloy endoskeleton withstands over 1,000 pounds of compression force. Micro-distributed accelerometers provide ultra-keen kinesthetic awareness. Programmed in several common sports modes, including basketball, cycling, and golf.
    Emotional encoding software recognizes thousands of facial expressions. Expression mapping sensors interpret critical human emotional states and produce natural human responses.  


    Frame and Design
    Micro-pressurized hydraulic actuator system with frictionless joints for maximum reflexive mobility. Cadmium endoskeleton guaranteed for the product's life. Multi-degree range of motion greater than human capacity. 30x visual magnification with increased depth of field and low-light auto-adapting feature. Non-reactive polyurethane coating. 700-lb lifting capacity. Polymer-encased brain stem component.  
    Fluent in all known languages through a dialectic implant. Capable of inferring the linguistic components of new languages. Recognizes tone and timbre of new voices and registers them in his database.  
    Easy to operate, seamlessly integrating into human environments. Customizable vocational or goal-objective programming available on some models.  
    Mind and Memory
    Fluid intelligence equivalent to 1012 neurons (200 petaflops). 3D kinematics guidance center. Fear center safety program (can be disabled). Advanced emotional encoding. Facial recognition via proprietary expression mapping. Unlimited memory.  
    Self-maintaining capabilities, constantly monitoring and replenishing hydraulic fluid bi-monthly. Zero-loss lithium-ion cells guaranteed for the life of the product. Major repairs or physical damage must be addressed through an authorized Weyland Cybernetics facility.  
    "DAVID 8 PRE-ORDERS EXCEED ANALYST'S BEST EXPECTATIONS"   Henri Gaston Colony, HD 202206bm - December 23, 2072   From the marketing offices of Weyland Cybernetics Logic Design and Research Facility, analysts report that pre-orders for the new David 8 unit have exceeded even the highest expectations. Tested favorably in over 80% of households and workplaces, the David 8 Introduction Initiative aims to fulfill Weyland's "One in Every Home" promise. The unit has wowed test audiences across the galaxy, participating in off-world assistance missions and mining operations. Consumer interest is high, driven by word of mouth and a dwindling supply of David 7 models. Weyland Industries has trailblazed advanced cybernetic technology, and David 8 is set to showcase these innovations.
    Related Myths

    Cover image: by DALLE
    Character Portrait image: by DALLE


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