One of the most rewarding things in Campaign play is watching your character grow and develop. The harsh realities of life will change you, that’s all you can be certain of in an uncertain world. You can develop your character in several different ways during the game.   The things you learn during the game are measured in Experience Points (XP). You receive XP after the end of each game session. Talk it through and let the whole group discuss what has happened. For each of the below questions that you can reply “yes” to, you get one XP:  
  • Did you participate in the game session? You get one XP just for being there.
  • Did you risk or sacrifice something to further your Personal Agenda?
  • Did you risk your life for your Buddy PC?
  • Did you challenge or stand up to your Rival PC?
  • Did you make a Panic Roll?
  • Did you overcome a dangerous event, using violent or non-violent means?
  • Did you make a significant discovery or revelation?
  • Did you perform an extraordinary action of some kind?
  • Did you earn any money?
  • You can only get one XP per question. Sometimes, the answers are not clear-cut. Discuss within the group, and try to reach a consensus. If you can’t, the GM has final say. Write down the XP on your character sheet.  


    You can use your XP to improve your skills and talents, or to learn new ones. You can only spend XP between sessions.  
    To increase a skill level by one step costs 5 XP. Learning a new skill (at skill level 1) costs 5 XP. To do this, however, you must have either used the skill and succeeded (without skill level) during the session, or been instructed by a teacher for at least one Shift. The teacher must have at least skill level 1.  
    Learning a talent always costs 5 XP. It also requires a day of practice and a successful WITS roll (roll for the attribute only). You can make one attempt per day. If instructed by a teacher who has the talent, your roll succeeds automatically.   CHANGING BUDDY AND RIVAL After the end of a game session, you are free to change your Buddy and Rival PCs as you see fit.

    Cover image: by DALLE


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