You didn't ask for a Frontier life—your parents brought you into this world kicking and screaming. Grown-ups always ask you what you want to be when you grow up, but all you want to do is be a kid. You used to fantasize about being an adult, able to stay up late and eat junk food whenever you want. Thing is, most of the Frontier adults you know are always miserable and tired. There isn’t much to do where you live, so you make your own fun. There’s time to grow up later. For now, playing hide-and-seek in the ventilation system seems the way to go.
You want to find an adult you can trust—really trust.
You have no family left. Make sure you never end up alone again.
No one gives you anything to do, so explore, try things out, make your own entertainment.
Grubby and unkempt
Trendy sneakers that light up
Denim jeans, torn at the knees
T-Shirt with band logo
Cargo shorts
Bored expression
Baseball cap
Lunchbox covered in stickers
Favorite doll or action figure
Bracelet made by older sibling
Fishing line or laser pointer
Magnet or radio-controlled car
Yo-yo or electronic handheld game
Personal locator beacon or coloring pens