There are a million-and-one ways to die in space, from exposure to vacuum or unknown contagions to vicious organisms or getting accidentally shot by a drunken roughneck. In all these scenarios, you’re the one carrying the bandages and adrenaline shots. When someone suffers trauma, it's the first few minutes that matter most. If someone survives long enough to make it to a medpod, you’ve done your job. You used to be altruistic about Frontier medicine, but you’ve seen enough to become jaded. Too many people in the Outer Veil are addicted to painkillers, and most colonies are not up to health and safety regulations. That means more people get hurt. Your work is never done.
You are addicted to a strong painkiller. Protect your stash—and your secret.
You have some unusual (but classified) medical reports that the Company is looking for. Find out why they are so important.
You’ve sworn an oath never to take a life, and you mean it.
Sympathetic smile
Short, tidy hair
Warm, caring eyes
Dark bags under eyes
Fidgeting hands
Calm and gentle voice
Cold, unsympathetic stare
White coat
Framed medical certificate
Letter from son or daughter
Last psych evaluation: “All clear at last.”
Surgical kit or IRC MK.50 Compression Suit
D6 doses Naproleve or D6 doses Neversleep
Personal medkit or D6 doses experimental X-Drugs
Samani E-Series watch or hand radio