The Ministry of Space Security (MSS) is a formidable and feared entity within the Union of Progressive Peoples (UPP). Known for its pervasive influence and ruthless tactics, the MSS ensures the security and stability of the UPP through intelligence operations, counterintelligence measures, and unconventional warfare tactics. The mere mention of the MSS instils fear and suspicion, as their reach extends into every facet of life within the UPP and beyond.  

Omnipresent Surveillance

In the UPP, the shadow of the MSS looms large, casting its watchful eyes over every citizen. The agency's extensive network of spies and informants operates so discreetly that even the closest family members could be unwittingly monitored. Security sleeper agents, individuals who may not even realize they are agents, are strategically placed throughout the UPP, ensuring control and suppressing dissent. This constant surveillance creates an environment where loyalty to the Union is unquestionable, but personal privacy is a luxury few can afford. Espionage and Intelligence Gathering:The MSS operates a vast espionage network within the United Americas (UA) and the Interstellar Commerce Commission (ICSC). Its agents are deeply embedded within these organizations, extracting valuable intelligence such as weapons plans and vehicle designs. This stolen information is instrumental in maintaining the UPP's technological superiority and ensuring its military capabilities remain formidable, posing a significant threat to its adversaries.  

Psychological and Biological Experiments

One of the more sinister aspects of the MSS is its involvement in unorthodox psychological and biological experiments. These experiments are conducted under the guise of advancing the welfare of The People but often come at a significant cost to those subjected to them. The MSS justifies these actions as necessary sacrifices for the greater good, though the ethics of such practices are highly questionable.  

Influence and Control

When the MSS appears on the scene, they wield absolute authority. Command of any operation is immediately transferred to the ranking MSS officer present, regardless of the rank of any Special Operations Force (SOF) or People's Army commander. This hierarchical dominance ensures that MSS directives are carried out without question, though it often breeds resentment among military commanders who must comply with MSS orders.  

Unconventional Warfare and Covert Operations

The MSS is a master of unconventional warfare, employing tactics that go beyond the norms of traditional combat. This includes guerrilla warfare, sabotage, and psychological operations designed to undermine enemy morale and capabilities. Additionally, the MSS engages in covert operations to destabilize opposing governments and foster dissent, demonstrating the UPP's aggressive and relentless pursuit of its goals.  

Liaisons and Defections

A key strategy the MSS employs is sending liaisons to disgruntled Three World Empire (3WE) and UA colony worlds. These liaisons work to convince these colonies to defect to the Union, promising them better conditions and support. This strategy has effectively expanded the UPP's reach and weakened its adversaries by sowing discord within their ranks.
by Open Source
Government, Law Enforcement
Ruling Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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