In the world of ALIEN, you need to be on your guard at all times, or you won’t live long. You use your OBSERVATION skill to spot someone sneaking (opposed roll, see MOBILITY). You can also use the skill when you spot an unknown threat of some kind, to learn more about it.  
You can’t really make out what it is, or you mistake it for something else (the GM feeds you false information).  
You are able to make out what it is, and whether or not it looks like a threat. The exact information you get is up to the GM.  
For every extra 6 you roll, you get to know the answer to one of these questions:  
  • Is it coming for me?
  • Are there more of them close by?
  • How do I get in/past/away?

    When you and the other PCs scout at the same time, you do not roll separately. Instead, only one PC rolls, and that result applies to the whole group. Who makes the roll is up to you.

    Cover image: by DALLE


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