You can use COMMAND: EMPATHY to give orders in combat as a fast action instead of a slow action. This in effect means you can give orders twice in the same Round.  


With rank comes certain privileges—being obeyed is one of them. You can push any skill roll based on EMPATHY twice, not just once like other characters. Each push increases your STRESS LEVEL by one.  


You can use your COMMAND: EMPATHY skill to order other non-officer PCs and NPCs around, as long as they belong to the same organization as you. To force someone to follow your orders and perform a specific action, roll COMMAND against the target’s MANIPULATION: EMPATHY . If successful, the target must follow your order, even if it means harm or danger to themselves. Your STRESS LEVEL increases by one each time you do this. Note also that each roll only covers one specific action. You cannot stop actions triggered by Panic Rolls using this talent.

Cover image: by DALLE


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