EXOPLANETARY COLONIZATION, TERRAFORMING TECHNOLOGIES, AND MINING CONCERNS   One of the early corporations to get their start out amongst the stars, this company’s original mission statement was to scout distant worlds for resources to send back to an overcrowded and polluted Earth. Omni-Tech Resources developed several key components in Weyland Corp’s atmospheric processors in the 2030s. When Weyland tried to buy them out, they refused—and soon found their data banks wiped in a cyber-attack reminiscent of the Arceon cult. All patents and records of Omni-Tech’s achievements were lost and Weyland soon filed for similar claims for suspiciously similar tech. Backed by an industrialist billionaire, Omni-Tech nonetheless refused to give up. They developed more practical but time-consuming terraforming techniques like atmospheric algae blooms and geothermal taps. They operate several domed colonies on poisonous or airless worlds that will take hundreds of years to support human life.
Corporation, Construction
Alternative Names
Controlled Territories

Cover image: by DALLE


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