An inflatable flotation vest included in many vehicular survival kits, a life vest will keep its occupant buoyant in most liquids. It includes a built-in flashlight and solar powered beacon transmitter that will broadcast PDT information over a two kilometer radius.  
A relatively lightweight vest made of woven metal fibers, the Kevlar vest is the personal armor of choice for law enforcement and security details throughout the colonies. It offers limited protection from bullets, knives, shrapnel and any kind of penetrating weapon.  
Freshly terraformed worlds often have severe nightly temperature drops. Wearing one of these heated hoodies gives a +2 modification to STAMINA rolls made to resist the effects of severe cold (chapter 5 of the core rulebook).  
These masks contain a small cylinder of oxygen (Air Supply 2), usually clipped to the front of a supply belt. They protect from inhalable toxins but offer no protection from vacuum.  
This sealed bodysuit acts as protection against hazardous materials. The suit protects fully against chemical and biological contaminants as long as nothing has pierced it. It also acts as armor against radiation. Each time you suffer a Radiation Point, roll six Base Dice—if you roll one or more , the Rad is absorbed by the suit. Hazmat suits have a built-in comm unit and Air Supply 3. They do not protect against the vacuum of space.  
The plastic suit provides protection from biochemical contaminants as long as no damage has pierced it. Biohazard suits have a built-in comm unit and Air Supply 2. They do not protect against the vacuum of space.  
Originally designed for Peter Weyland’s 2091 Prometheus mission, these nano-reinforced composite helmet and cadmium exoskeleton-equipped, form-fitting space suits are used for Geholgod Institute funded expeditions. The exoskeleton gives a +1 modification to all STRENGTH-based skill rolls. The Presidium Mk II-VIII all have dual video feeds from helmet and body cams. The helmet’s HUD tracks vital stats, environmental conditions, communications systems and data analysis. An iridium-coated, laser-resistant light-weight armor vest can be added to the suit for an extra cost.  
A compression suit similar to the Mk.50 Compression Suit, the CCC4 is an unarmed and unarmored version of the Space Operating Forces CCC5. Less cumbersome than the Mk.50, the CCC4’s helmet viewport is comparatively small and gives a −1 modification to OBSERVATION rolls.  
Like the original ECO, this EVA hardsuit has fully articulated rotary joints and self actuating fingers, providing a limited range of mobility. The ECO2 is designed for both vacuum and high pressure environments of up to 20,000 psi of pressure. The helmet has a sophisticated heads up display, camera, and communications unit built in along with data ports to download recorded sensor, comm, and personal logs. While the original ECO suit ships with a metallic crimson finish, the ECO2 is construction yellow. The suit has hard points for attaching lines as well as its own thrusters for tether-free zero G maneuvers.  
Specifically designed for elite explorers, the Yutani All Weather Singular Survival Shelter is the ultimate survival kit. YAWS3 ships compressed in a large duffle bag shape for ease of transport. Sarcophagus-shaped when inflated, this environmental sleeping bag can regulate its internal temperature to a cool 22 degrees Celsius while external temperatures range from anywhere between −40 to 110 degrees Celsius. Of course, the harder the system works, the faster it depletes its energy cells before it has a chance to recharge them.   The YAWS3 comes with a built-in medkit, one week’s emergency rations, bedpan, PDT with double the usual range, and a simple rebreather mask with an internal atmosphere (Air Supply 12) and built-in battery (Power Supply 6). Intravenous sedatives and protein solutions can extend one’s stay up to a month. The YAWS3 can be programmed to administer stimulants should its built-in motion detector register something. The panel directly in front of the occupant’s face is transparent, allowing them to stay somewhat aware of their surroundings and rescuers to confirm there is someone inside with a glance. Prohibitively expensive, YAWS3 are used by Geholgod Expeditions and Throop Rescue and Recovery.   The YAWS3 is buoyant and will float in water, methane, and most other liquids. While the YAWS3 is safe to use in a vacuum, the smallest of micrometeorites can puncture the triple-hulled inflatable and render it useless.  
An expensive explorer’s backpack-shaped device that can be attached to spacesuits like the Presidium or ECO2, the experimental EL7-HXC was originally developed in the 2130s and then shelved when it proved to be somewhat unreliable. When deployed, the tension wires within the rods of the EL7 allow it to self-create a protective polygonal sphere of hexagonal shapes around the wearer. The reactive converters generate a field of force between every six nodes. The fields increase in power to repulse whatever force is thrown at them, essentially turning that energy against itself.   The device reacts to kinetic energy, so the effect of activating it can cause the sphere to bounce across the terrain. EL7s have been used to soft-land during atmospheric entry and even to survive a nuclear blast, but were discontinued when their failure rate far exceeded the successes. Too much energy directed at the converter nodes will overload them before they can push back, causing catastrophic failure.   Each time you suffer explosive or energy-based damage, Fire Intensity, or Radiation, roll ten Base Dice—if you roll one or more 6, the damage or RAD is absorbed by the shield. EL7s offer only limited protection against the vacuum of space. Anyone in the EL7’s field while in space can survive if they have a rebreather, but must make a STAMINA roll or lose consciousness from system shock. The EL7 offers only 1 point of Armor against non-energy and blunt force attacks. The system collapses if any damage is done, leaving the occupant on their own in the next round. Both Throop Rescue and Recovery and the UNISC Great Mother Mission use the EL7.  
At average temperatures, the system will maintain itself for a month. At extreme temperatures, however, the occupant must make a Power Supply roll every Shift. While designed for single occupancy, two can fit inside in a pinch—assuming they don’t mind being friendly. This will overtask the system, however, and require two Power Supply rolls per Shift instead.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Base Price
Lifevest: $65

Cover image: by DALLE


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