The Rustcrawler is a unique and fascinating creature native to KOI-2650.01, an arid Earth-like planet orbiting a red giant. This planet, characterized by its pale rusty-orange hue and harsh environment, is home to various specially adapted life forms, with the Rustcrawler being one of the most notable. These creatures play a crucial role in the planet's ecosystem, feeding on decay and helping to recycle nutrients in the otherwise barren landscape.  

Physical Description

The Rustcrawler is a slender, elongated creature, averaging about 1.5 meters long. Its body is segmented and covered in tough, leathery skin that blends seamlessly with the planet's rusty-orange terrain. This colouration provides excellent camouflage against predators and harsh weather conditions. The Rustcrawler has multiple pairs of short, sturdy legs that allow it to burrow efficiently through the sandy soil and contaminated dust.   At the front of its body, the Rustcrawler has a small, almost featureless head with two sensory pits that detect chemical changes in the environment. Its mouth is lined with specialized mandibles designed for breaking down and consuming decaying organic matter. These mandibles secrete a potent enzyme that accelerates decomposition, making it easier for the Rustcrawler to digest its food.  

Behaviour and Diet

Rustcrawlers are primarily detritivores, feeding on decomposing organic material found in the soil. This includes the remains of dead plants and animals and any organic waste produced by other creatures. The Rustcrawler's digestive system is highly efficient, extracting maximum nutrients from even the most degraded materials.   These creatures are most active during the planet's extended twilight hours, using the cover of dusk and dawn to avoid predators and the extreme temperatures of day and night. Rustcrawlers are solitary by nature, only coming together during the brief mating season. They communicate through a series of chemical signals detected by their sensory pits.  


Living in the harsh environment of KOI-2650.01, the Rustcrawler has developed several unique adaptations. Its rugged, leathery skin protects it from the abrasive effects of the contaminated dust storms that frequently sweep the planet. The Rustcrawler's ability to burrow allows it to escape the surface conditions and find more stable environments underground.   The enzyme secreted by the Rustcrawler's mandibles not only aids digestion but also helps detoxify any harmful substances present in the decaying matter it consumes. This adaptation is crucial for survival on a planet where contamination is constantly threatened.  

Ecological Role

The Rustcrawler plays a vital role in the ecosystem of KOI-2650.01. Feeding on decaying organic matter helps recycle nutrients back into the soil, supporting the growth of hardy plant species that can survive in arid conditions. This, in turn, supports other forms of life on the planet, creating a delicate but sustainable ecological balance.   Additionally, the burrowing activity of the Rustcrawler helps to aerate the soil, promoting the decomposition process and improving soil health. This makes the Rustcrawler an essential component of the planet's life-supporting mechanisms.
Scientific Name
Detritovorax ferrugineus
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by DALLE


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