Type Arthropod Carnivore
Habitat Tanaka 5, deserts and cavernous springs
Size 1.5–2.4 meters
Traits Hides in dunes and rocks during the day, hunts at night, aggressive if provoked and surprisingly adept swimmers
  Although they are equipped with poisonous stingers, the desert scorpions of Tanaka 5 have more in common with Earth's prehistoric sea scorpions than the standard Terran variety. These tapered and segmented creatures have rounded heads, a set of large pincers, eight crab-like legs, and two large fin-like structures on either side of their bodies. While initially thought to be utilized in intimidation displays, the fins were found to have a different purpose when the planet’s underground lake systems were discovered—Scorpionids are adept swimmers and spend at least half their life underwater. Those very lakes are teeming with aquatic life, making for easy hunting grounds for the arthropods.   While they normally keep to themselves, Scorpionids will fight if they feel threatened. Their pincers can break a man’s leg, and their sting can kill a grown human quickly unless an antidote is administered. The deadly venom in their stingers can be used for a multitude of medicinal purposes. While dangerous and somewhat unpleasant, collecting Scorpionids and milking their venom can make you some quick cash. Scorpionids run a gamut of colors from an orange-red to a deep blue.  
As a slow action a Scorpionid can sprint as if having used two run actions (i.e., through two zones or from an adjacent zone directly into ENGAGED range of a target) if it is in water or its movement starts in water. It uses this ability to make sneak attacks against prey on the shore.  
Their shells protect them from knives and other melee weapons but don't do much good against bullets.  
Scientific Name
Scorpionidus aquatilis
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by DALLE


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