When the black star rises in the sky, visible from every colony and planet, the Herald of Shadows shall mark the beginning of the end. The Perfected will rise from hidden hives and dormant eggs, their emergence signaling the start of the Great Purge. Humanity and other sentient beings will face annihilation, swept away by the divine wrath of the Perfected.   Amid the chaos, the faithful will undergo the Ascension, merging their consciousness with the Perfected and gaining eternal life and power. In the aftermath, the universe will be reborn, reshaped under the dominion of the Perfected. The new dawn will usher in an era free from conflict and suffering, where only the strongest and most enlightened beings will thrive in the light of the Perfected.
  The Children of the Two Divines, a fervent offshoot of the Church of the Immaculate Incubation, hold a chilling prophecy about the end of the universe. Central to their beliefs and rituals, this prophecy foretells a cataclysmic transformation of the universe, driven by their divine patrons and the Perfected—Xenomorphs seen as the pinnacle of evolution.   This prophecy is the cornerstone of the faith the Children of the Two Divines hold, driving their actions and shaping their beliefs. As they await the signs of its fulfilment, they remain vigilant, preparing for the day when the universe will be reborn under the rule of the Perfected.  

The Herald of Shadows
The prophecy begins with the rise of the Black Star, visible from every colony and planet. This celestial omen, known as the Herald of Shadows, marks the awakening of ancient powers and the start of the prophesied end times.
The Rise of the Perfected
Following the appearance of the Black Star, the Perfected—Xenomorphs—will emerge from hidden hives and dormant eggs. Their rise signals the beginning of the Great Purge, where these divine beings will cleanse the universe of its impurities.
The Great Purge
During the Great Purge, humanity and other sentient beings will face annihilation. The Perfected, in their divine wrath, will decimate civilizations, leaving desolation in their wake.
The Ascension
Amid the chaos, the faithful followers of the Children of the Two Divines will undergo the Ascension, merging their consciousness with the Perfected. This mystical transformation grants them eternal life and power reserved for those who have proven their devotion.
The Rebirth of the Universe
In the aftermath of the Great Purge and Ascension, the universe will be reborn under the dominion of the Perfected. This new era will be free from conflict and suffering, a utopia where only the strongest and most enlightened can thrive.

Cover image: by DALLE


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