In the vast expanse of space, where every resource must be meticulously managed and every hazard vigilantly contained, the role of Waste Processors emerges as both indispensable and undervalued. Often considered a dirty and undesirable profession, Waste Processors are the unsung heroes who ensure that space colonies, ships, and stations remain habitable, hygienic, and safe.  

Role and Responsibilities

Waste Processors, colloquially known as Scrubbers, are tasked with managing all forms of waste generated by the inhabitants and operations of space-based facilities. Their responsibilities include:
Waste Collection
Scrubbers traverse the labyrinthine corridors and compartments of space stations, ships, and colonies, gathering waste from residential quarters, industrial areas, medical facilities, and more. Armed with specialized containment units, they ensure that every piece of refuse is collected promptly. This includes everyday garbage, industrial by-products, and hazardous biological waste. The collection process often involves navigating through tight spaces and dealing with the unpleasant sights and smells associated with waste.
Sorting and Processing
Once collected, waste is transported to specialized processing centres and meticulously sorted. Recyclable materials are separated from non-recyclables, and hazardous substances are identified and handled with extreme care. This process often involves exposure to toxic chemicals, biological waste, and potentially radioactive materials. Scrubbers must be well-versed in handling these materials to prevent contamination and ensure safety. The sorting process is physically demanding and requires a keen eye for detail to ensure proper segregation and handling.
Maintenance of Waste Management Systems
Scrubbers are also responsible for ensuring that all waste disposal systems—incinerators, compactors, recycling units, and containment chambers—function correctly and efficiently. Their daily tasks include routine maintenance, troubleshooting, and emergency repairs. They must keep the systems running smoothly to prevent waste build-up, which could lead to health hazards or operational disruptions. This aspect of their job often requires technical skills and knowledge of complex machinery.
Hazardous Waste Handling
Most of their job involves safely managing and disposing of hazardous waste. This includes biohazardous and radioactive materials, which must be handled according to strict safety protocols. Scrubbers are trained to use advanced protective gear and follow detailed procedures to mitigate the risks associated with these dangerous substances. Handling hazardous waste is the most critical and dangerous part of their job, requiring constant vigilance and adherence to safety standards.
Environmental Management
Scrubbers play a crucial role in environmental sustainability aboard space facilities. They oversee recycling, ensuring reusable materials are recovered and repurposed. This effort helps conserve limited resources and reduce the need for resupply missions, which are costly and logistically complex. Their work in environmental management contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and sustainability of space operations.    


The profession of Waste Processor is fraught with challenges that contribute to its undesirable reputation:
Health Risks
Constant exposure to dangerous chemicals, biological hazards, and potentially radioactive materials poses significant health risks to Scrubbers. Despite protective gear and safety measures, accidents and exposure incidents are common, leading to various health issues.
Low Status and Pay
Despite the crucial nature of their work, Waste Processors often receive low wages and minimal recognition. The job is seen as menial and unglamorous, contributing to its low status within the societal hierarchy of space communities. This lack of appreciation and financial reward can lead to low morale among workers.
Isolation and Stigma
Waste Processors frequently work in isolated areas of space stations or colonies, away from the more populated and prestigious sections. Social stigma often accompanies this physical isolation, as other residents may view them with disdain or pity. The combination of isolation and social stigma can lead to feelings of alienation and undervaluation among Scrubbers.


Despite its challenges, the role of Waste Processors is vital for the smooth functioning of space colonies and ships. Their work ensures:
Hygiene and Health
Proper waste management is essential for maintaining hygiene and preventing the spread of disease. Waste Processors play a crucial role in safeguarding the health of all inhabitants by ensuring that waste is promptly and effectively managed.
Environmental Sustainability
Effective waste processing and recycling help conserve resources, reduce the need for resupply missions, and minimize the environmental impact of human habitation in space. Scrubbers' efforts in environmental management are vital to maintaining the sustainability of space operations.

Operational Efficiency

By maintaining and managing waste disposal systems, Waste Processors ensure that other operations aboard the space facility can proceed without disruption. Their work supports space and colony missions' overall efficiency and sustainability, making them an integral part of life on the frontier.

Cover image: by DALLE


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