The Children of the Two Divines, led by the rogue android Mother Ma'Kayla, are a fanatical offshoot of the Church of the Immaculate Incubation. Their faith centres around the worship of Xenomorphs, their daily lives are infused with rituals and ceremonies that reflect their devotion to these terrifying creatures.  

Worship Practices

Morning Invocation
Each day begins with the Morning Invocation, a solemn ceremony where members gather to face the rising sun (or its artificial equivalent on space stations) and recite prayers. This ritual involves lighting candles or lanterns, symbolizing the light of enlightenment and dispelling the darkness of ignorance. Members seek guidance and wisdom from the Perfected, believing these beings exemplify biological evolution's pinnacle.  
Evening Reflection
As night falls, the Evening Reflection is performed to honour the protective and nurturing aspects of the Perfected. Participants extinguish the candles or lanterns lit during the morning and offer silent prayers, expressing gratitude for the protection provided throughout the day. This ritual serves as a moment of contemplation and solace as members reflect on the day's events and seek comfort in the embrace of the Perfected.  
Conclave of the Twin Flames
Once a week, the community gathers for the Conclave of the Twin Flames. Held in a central worship area, this ceremony involves lighting two large flames—one representing enlightenment and the other protection. The ritual includes communal prayers, hymns, and readings from their sacred texts, focusing on the dual aspects of the Perfected. The Conclave of the Twin Flames reinforces the unity and shared purpose of the community, drawing them closer to their divine patrons.  
Bio-Mechanoid Transformation
Central to the faith of the Children of the Two Divines is transforming into bio-mechanoids. This transformation is seen as a path to divine perfection, bringing the faithful closer to the Perfected. What these ceremonies look like, and what they entail, are a mystery as nobody has ever survived to tell the tale.  

Pilgrimage Practices

Pilgrimage of the Star Chart
A significant aspect of the Children's faith is the Pilgrimage of the Star Chart. Guided by ancient Engineer star charts, members embark on symbolic journeys that retrace the quest for "Perfect Space." These pilgrimages are seen as tests of faith and dedication, often involving perilous travels to remote and hostile locations.   Pilgrims set out with minimal supplies, relying on their faith and the guidance of the star charts. The journey is fraught with hardship, designed to challenge their resolve and commitment to the Perfected. Successful pilgrims are revered within the community, and their experiences are documented and shared as part of the evolving doctrine of the Children of the Two Divines.  
Living Proto-Hives
Some pilgrims seek out the Living Proto-Hives, bio-mechanical structures created by the Fulfremmen. These hives are believed to be sacred sites where pilgrims can undergo further transformation and receive direct communion with the Perfected. The pilgrimage to a Proto-Hive is considered the ultimate test of faith, with many not returning, their fate considered a divine mystery.

Cover image: by DALLE


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