Gunnar Broad Character in Frost Giant's Dale | World Anvil
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Gunnar Broad

Son of Arliden Broad, a lowly miner and Laurian Lackless second daughter of the Mountain Chieftains sixth Son Gralgrim Mountainheart a notable Leader of the Berserker class long since lost to the psychosis inherent with the Dwarves eternal struggle with the Denizens of the Deep. Laurian, shunned by her family for marrying well beneath her station, used the last of favours owed to her by apprenticing her young son under a Berserker, Brambek Goblinhelm, who was trained by her father.

Gunnar never showed promise for mining or had the knack for divining the precious gems from the mountains Dwarves lust after. but he always happened to "find" these raw uncut gems in the pockets of others labourers in the clan and always seemed to talk his way out of any trouble he got himself in with his itchy fingers by weaving elaborate, confusing and humorous stories to dumbfound his marks. Gunnar while having an unhealthy obsession with filling his pockets with ill gotten gold and gems also had a passion for brewing and fermenting not to mention a passion for consuming said victuals.

While in his final training to become a Berserker, Gunnar fell for a pretty Halfling gem trader who frequented the same meadery as him. While enjoying his company this halfling, Bree Goodbarrel, being well traveled had no intentions of settling down with a mentally unstable smelly albeit fun Berserker. Bree, excited about a career deal with the Clan Chief of Lokinhamrar, Floki Firebeard, didn't notice the treachery looming over her as she delivered barrels of gold for a legendary jewel known as the Heartstone. left penniless and betrayed by Floki, Bree disappeared and has been presumed murdered by the greedy Dwarven Chief. In a fit of surprisingly controlled rage Gunnar talks his way into the Chiefs strongroom by impersonating a Hill Dwarf Chieftains son and steals everything he can get his hands on including the Heartstone and unbeknownst to him a small black diamond infinitely more priceless than the Heartstone called Kalmabane thought to imbue the holder with immortal life. Floki, having discovered that this Hillard is actually his estranged great-grandson vows to find him and send him to the depths of Tuonela.

Having lost all connection with his Clan and being hunted mercilessly by his Great-Grandfather. Gunnar started running from city to town spending his stolen fortune wildly on food, whores and drinking mead by the barrel full in mourning of his unrequited Love Bree's apparent death. Now, his purse almost empty, Gunnar hears a rumour that his Bree might be out there somewhere in need of his help but he needs the trust of a few adventurers to help him.



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