Leadh Coir Character in Frost Giant's Dale | World Anvil
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Leadh Coir

You're a member of a nomadic people who roam the Fell Moors and the Unending Wastes. As an egalitarian group of people they have a tendency to be color blind to the racial and class disparities that may otherwise plague the realms and are particularly uninterested in the hierarchical and oligarchical nature of the "civilized" people's. As a Shamanistic people they do however have a high reverence for people who are able to communicate with their great ancestor's, whom they view as the high gods and natural phenomena as the lesser gods, and will often defer to their judgement over others.

You were raised the Daughter of a Elven Shaman Priestess and your Human Father is a prolific hunter and respected warrior. Naturally as the Daughter of a Shaman you were likely to be bestowed a natural inclination towards the magical and supernatural and as a member of a nomadic group and your Father's hunting ability you are proficient in arts of survival and outdoorsmanship.

As a warlock ascending into your Shamanistic role you are tasked with a trial of transcendence. It is believed among your people to truly embody that of a conduit to the Ancestors you must have a life changing revelation and you will return to your people transformed. The first part of that journey is to hunt and consume the heart of your tribe's spirit animal a Dire Wolf and you will carry a part of that animal in the form of a necklace made from its teeth until your mortal flesh is given back to the moors and you make the spiritual journey to the realm of your ancestors. The night before you are tasked with your journey a huge ceremony is held, plenty of imbibing and feasting occurs, however you are denied all these and must partake in absolute stoic silence as the full moon reaches its maximum you are stripped naked, took out into the moor and buried alive in the thick frosty peat given nothing but a reed through which to breath and one other object which is sacred only to you that you must channel all of your being into as you commune with your ancestral spirits. Upon the dawn of the next morning you are excavated from your tomb and outcast from your tribe till you return enlightened.



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