Old Lady Fart Passing Through the Air Outside Character in Frost Giant's Dale | World Anvil
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Old Lady Fart Passing Through the Air Outside


Raised an orphan on the streets of Stonegate, you know very little of how other Gnomes live and behave. A curiosity you are to your own people, what you do share with them, besides your diminutive size and rather large dome, is your unerring sense of humor and the ability to manufacture a witty comment or joke regardless of the situation, as well as your affinity with all things mechanical. Growing up poor on the streets of the biggest city in Frost Giant's Dale you developed a penchant for acquiring anything that even seemed remotely valuable and wasn't nailed to the ground with a frost giant sized spike. This quirky behavior, even among your other fellow thieves and rogues, would eventually develop into you becoming colloquially referred to as the Trashman among the lower, and surprisingly enough even some of the higher, forms of Stonegate's society. Another facet of having been an orphan in the streets of a tough city, you naturally formed a more familial relationship with the people you considered your friends and developed an almost unnatural loyalty to anyone who would also scratch your back. Which leads to another facet of your personality, and that is your attachment to certain objects, be they valuable or not, you "inherited" (stole) an object that you refer to as your Shadynasty ____________<(insert what the object is) and one of your, whom you considered at the time, best friends, took said object and has never since been seen.

A lover of whores, all things boiled linen, and hanging out under bridges, you tend to associate with the lesser denizens of society and have an affinity for making friends with some of the most unlikely individuals. As someone who enjoys whatever life has to throw at you, you relish any opportunity to regale those around with tall tales of the adventures you've had in your life. Many of these adventures you have been privy to experience have been alongside a lifelong friend and compatriot, a person you have come to know as one of your best friends, a halfling you've come to know as The Rat King. One such adventure __________ <(insert event) you are very fond of retelling, and anyone who comes to know you will often be subjected to this story.



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