Turdtoe the 3rd Character in Frost Giant's Dale | World Anvil
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Turdtoe the 3rd


Third in a line of revered Priests the Turdtoe family name beckons respect among your clan and much is expected of you as a new member of this revered priestly family. Raised as a higher member of your clan you have become accustomed to a certain privilege in the way you live and anything but the finest feather beds and pillows, the most succulent of food and ubiquitous drink is insufferable to your entire being. Your mother after enduring years of hatchlings emerge from their craggy shells nothing but a still mass covered in putrefactive slime and goo, you being the only one to emerge a whole hatchling, has an overbearing tendency to dote on you, and gave you everything you desired in your privileged upbringing. Unbeknownst to your father till your early adulthood, as he was busy with his Priestly duties as the High Paladin of Bahamut he was largely ignorant and unawares his onlyhatched was being raised in opulence and the complete antithesis of what it means to be a proud self sufficient member of the Dragonborn race. Expecting a life in the clergy and to ascend through the ranks as a more bookish priest, your father had other plans after having the realization you had lived a more comfortable life than was expected. The day after your eighteenth hatchday, your father approached you, family heirloom Vestments and Holy Symbol in hand and told you you'd be leaving home for a duration of five years as a traveling Cleric, to do good by your God and help spread the word and divinity of Bahamut.

Devastated by your father's decision you numbingly packed your things and left your homeland in emotional despair, nearing the end of the first day of your journey you witnessed something ___________<(insert event) that you could only describe as an Omen from Bahamut. From that point forward you felt an unerring resolve that you would do right by your family and clan, and while you'll find it unbearably inconvenient you will endure the traveling life to attain your goals. Moving forward from there you decided that you shall travel to the ends of the realm, no matter how far or long it took to achieve your newfound goal ____________ <(insert goal) before you ever graced your family and clan with your presence again, even if that meant you would only be reunited in death.



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