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Ache is a nuerotoxin that is derived from the rubbery seeds of the Pest Clove plant. The barbed, rubbery seeds are pulled from the flowers dried and pummeled into a fine dust and mixed with other elements to create a thick sludge. It causes those who consume it to experience a deep, agonizing ache across their whole body.    




Ache can be ingested via food or drink. When drank it can be consumed straight or it can be mixed in with other liquids, although ache has a deeply bitter and astringent taste which makes it difficult (but not impossible) to camouflage into other liquids. When ingested the poison acts the quickest as it is absorbed into the stomach lining, the effects are first felt with intense stomach cramping, which then spread to the torso and eventually to the whole body. Its common for this method to induce nausea and vomiting, and prolonged exposure can result in stomach ulcers and internal bleeding.  

Skin contact

An alternative method to expose someone to ache is by spreading it directly onto the skin, its common for anyone manufacturing or handling the poison to wear gloves as any spilled drops can easily be absorbed into the palms and finger pads. Leather gloves are particularly favored among torturers. When applied to the skin the pain is localize initially to that area it creates a dull, reverberating ache to the area which spirals out from the point of contact eventually effecting the entire body, the the contact area as the epicenter of pain. This method takes longer for the effects to be felt but also takes longer to be processed. At the administration area its common to see discoloration, swelling and even blisters.    


At first ache feels like a pinching stiffness in the area of application if ingested it feels like dull, mild stomach cramps. Then the pain intensifies and feels like it is spreading through out the body. at its peak it likened to having rolling thunder shaking the core of your bones. it commonly muscles to seize up and joints to lock up, often times the victim will not be able to speak of move and the limbs may quake with effort. The epicenter of the pain is linked to the first site of contact is is likened to having a small sun burning beneath the skin. during the episode the victim will experience a brief window of subsidizing pain, an eye of the storm, wherein the effects not gone but manageable, this period typically lasts minutes before the pain ramps up faster than before. At this stage skin blisters tend to appear at the contact site. Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, seizing, heart palpitations and difficulty breathing. It is possible to have a heart attack from this process if too large a dose is administered. The pain phase typically takes one to five hours depending on dose and absorption method. On the comedown victims will feel the pain slowly subside and be overtaken with a feeling of drowsiness and warmth, an all over lightness which is akin to euphoria. Often times this helps the victim to forget the pain they went through, and can by why some people choose to use ache recreationally as it makes the euphoric feelings much more heightened, for most people the euphoric phase lasts longer than the pain phase.    

Addition and Signs of Use

It possible to become addicted to ache, as most people are primed to forget the pain phase by the time they have finished the euphoria phase, addition is common in pleasure houses where some may offer it as a service. Ache is an ideal weapon for enforcers and torturers, as it likely won't kill the person or leave permanent damage. It sends a message to the person but often times due to the euphoria the person does not resent its use or hold grudges. Someone who uses ache regularly may have stomach ulcers and sensitivities, they may experience mild internal bleeding and can be spotted by the dried blood caked into their lips. Those who apply by skin will have a built up area of blistered red skin. It common for people to move stiffly as the joints are generally quite sore, they may also have bitten lip or cracked teeth to to clenching their jaw.      


Withdrawal takes a period of weeks, the physical injuries must heal, but also the mind must learn to stop craving the stimulation of ache. Its common for those withdrawing to experience apathy, lethargy and a loss of appetite, the last symptom is especially dangerous as often times the body needs calories to replace the energy lost shivering and convulsing. People commonly report having issues finding joy and pleasure and few thing stand up the the intense emotional stimulation of ache. Overtime however, most people who quit ache are able to make    


Due to its unethical uses and its addictive nature, the King has taken steps to quash ache in most forms. It is against the law to manufacture ache, or to attempt to bring it within the walls of any of the three Major Cities Disregard of these laws can result in heavy financial penalties or arrest.

Manufacturing process

The seeds are harvested from the Pest Clove flower, the seeds must be carefully handled as even through dull prolonged holding may incurr discomfort. The seeds are strung up to dry in the sun, the outer husks are then peeled and the interior of the seed is pommeled to a fine powder. The poweder is them combined with common slugs to create a paste, the slugs allow the toxin to biind to a person for a much longer period of time, The mixture then has scalding mastic oil added and ground until smooth


Ache is popular among criminal circles as it's an excellent way to incapacitate rivals or to punish insubordinate. its also a favoured weapon of choice for interrogators and torturers. The Brotherhood of Tarn have a long history using it to extract conversions from sorcerers and heathens. Recently it's also been employed by pleasure houses as it's popular with sadists who enjoy the initial pain and also the euphoria of the come-down.   Ache is banned from city walls, by the nobles it is considered extremely uncouth to scream and writhe around making a tacky to do, although there are still some who opt to use it at private functions behind closed doors.
"A older heavy-set graying man watches as a much younger man scale up the side of the great old ashenwood tree. his pouch slung across his waist is rifled through to retrieve a sheathed dagger. Tool in hand the man steadies himself high above the earth and begins to slice at a sprig of pest clove. knocking free the berries to place into a handkerchief and then into the pouch, he then pauses to put on a pair of sheep-skin gloves, the chances of pricking yourself on a sleeve are slim but a chance none the less. He reaches out seperating the flowers from the bud and spies the seed within, its orange and teardrop shaped with a curl at the very tip, its covered in short spikes which re sticky like Velcro. Carefully he takes a new handkerchief and begins to wrap them, before blacking the bundle into a drawstring bag and back into the pouch. The man shimmies down the tree and comes to a stop before the graying man who hands him a meager bundle of coins in exchange for the spoils.     The graying man enters his small cabin at the edge of the forest, the air is thick with the smell of burning wood. with a creak f the old door he pushes inside. Strung up along the window are rows of barbed seeds all expertly strung from the same twine. Putting on his own pair of gloves he pulls down the older seeds, dull now they've dried and prepares to string his newest batch.He takes to seeds over to his desk, strewn with odds and ends, Unlabeled bottles and terrariums in jars. He scatters the seeds into a mortar a pestle and begins to grind them to a fine brown powder. He then reaches his hand out and into a large terrarium covered in slugs, pulling out a handful he drops them one by-one into the pestle and grinds them as well. He stretches his stiff fingers and stands from his desk knees straightening with a pop. He hobbles over to the smoldering fireplace against the wall where an iron pot belches steam. Picking up the corner of his shirt removes the pot lid and places it on the floor, he grabs a wooden ladle and dips it into the burbling liquid, a viscous mix amber in color, he adds it to the mix, little by little.     The mix goes from being a paste to being a syrup like consistency and deep ocher colour, he takes a moment to put on a second pair of gloves as reaches across his desk where a rack stands full of beaten metal vial, he places a glass funnel at the lip of the flask and with steady hands tips the contents into the vials, one after another before wrapping each bottle in leather. he places the vials length ways on a sheet of brown paper which he ties up with twine. it is now nearly nightfall.     HE peers out of the window. There, trudging up the path, green skin reflecting in the moonlight is the sight of a familiar courier. He knows they're there but waits for the know anyway not wishing to spook them. There's always a hesitation, the crunch of dirt ass they shift from one foot to the other. He understands, He's been told he's always been off putting. The knock comes softly, he waits an appropriate number of beats before opening. The courier stands in the door frame. White, tusks an teeth flashing in the way one does for an old customer eyes crinkled at the edges making their white spots fold in on themselves. He thanks them for coming curtly, before thrusting the package into their hands, 'Ache' He informs them. They bristle at that, pulling out a scarf and further wrapping the package. He hands them a slip of paper with an address and a coin pouch, he always tips for this stuff. More money, means more care, a well paid courier is one that's well-fed and well-rested, a courier less likely to make mistakes like losing it, or, Tarn forbid, spilling it.     They thank him, curtly in kind before offering a wave and beginning to turn. He calls out to them running back inside. He rifles through the pouch for the handkerchief pest clove berries, orcs like those he thinks he remembers. He pushes the cloth into their hands, initially they are confused, was this another job? He shakes his head unwrapping it and popping a berry into is own mouth tart and a bit acidic. Their eyes light up and they munch on one as well before wrapping the rest back up. They smile, in the genuine not businessy way. they thank him moving down the path once more with a wave. He smiles, extra gifts are worth it, after all it's precious cargo. and good help is hard to come by."
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Pest clove in it's self is rare to find, let alone finding enough to prepare a significant dose to affect a person. Ache must also be prepared by a skilled hand who is able to extract the seeds and safely prepare them. There are people who are dedicated to finding and cultivating berries, they specialise in formulating Ache and selling it to shady people thtough trade routes.

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