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Denmaerd (Den-may-ard)

Denmaerd is a large city towards the coastal ranges that has grown rapidly in a short period of time, with many joking that it appeared over night.   Their geographic position near the sea makes them unqiely poised to trade and form alliences not only with others along the coast but those of nearby islands. Due to their advanced shipyard even though Denmaerd is along the Elven Network Trade Route they are not rellient on it the way Zentawen is. The sorrounding area is also much flatter compared to other settlements which has made them able to convert large swarths of land for argiculture making them less relient on the food and resources. Because it is a newer city The area is well planned with pathways to efficently get around to to expand effectively.    

Political Unrest

Due to this sucess the city's founders Lord and Lady Farrow are pushing to have their city declared the capital of the land, to lead the country into what they claim will be a golden age. At this stage they are not interested in usurping the monarchy or even in merging their house with the royal kingom, but they are seeking recognition to be invited to the royal court to have a say in political affairs. The king of Zentawen, King Arvid appears extreamly reluctant to even engage with them. Out of concern that their request would be misconstrued as impudence and for fear of retaliation the Farrows to begin quietly adding to their defenses, increasing manpower for their guard division and constructing offensive ships.    

Recent Controversy

Denmaerd has become a hot-button topic in recent days, after a gala was held in the Farrows' court with many well-off merchants and local political figures in attendence. During the day Lord Farrow paused the festivities in order to thank their guests for attending, it was during this adress a lone man walked into the court. He would be described as wild and desperate-looking as he revealed himself as a soceror and begged the Farrows to protect the magically inclined. Lady Farrow is reported to have laughed at him. The man shed his tunic and revealed a magic sigil carved deep into the flesh of his torso. Lighting erupted from where he stood arcing up the legs of the guests and lady Farrow, three guest died and five more were treated for severe burns of which Lady Farrow received the worst amassing dark welts where her jewelry was. Leaving a large circular lichenberg burned into the marble floor, the man keeled over dead, having attempted a spell which consumed too much of his energy. Lady Farrow is presently recovering as Lord Farrow oversees the afairs of the city, campaigning for the stricter discipline of socerors.


Danmaerd is unique in that although the population is mostly human a number of Goblins also reside there, having come over from the coastal islands.


The local government is run by the farrows who oversee major decisions and policies, they however defer to King Arvid  as he is the ruling monarchy and hold absolute power over the lane.   At a local level the Farrows have appointed numerous people to at in the interest of the local government in shorts there is are two business branches one for intenal trade within the city and one for external, theres construction and development, defence and a treasurer/


Denmaerd Has its own trained defence who partrol the city and monitor trade for signs of Contraband Items, the watchmen as equipt with weapons and trained dogs. The city has a wall armed with turrents and manned by gunners as well as a small gand of ships equipt with cannons.    The farrows themselves have a small force of body guards which have increased in number since the incident in court.


The town sprung up around the Farrows, who culitvated their empty but sizable plot of land around their petty castle, they forged alliences with the lords and ladys in their areas by marrying their three children, and cultivating an impressive display of wealth. The Farrows constructed a shipyard and used their vessels to reach people on the outer towns they were even able to


common tourist attactions include the market at the docks where travellers and locals alike and try local cuisines, the Denmaerd light spire which sits oerlooking the crashing ocean waves and guides ships safely to port, and the Wet shivering dog- an inn who has a wide selection of Dennish mead.   The city is known for its wide selection of Dennish mead, which is made from honeys and a range of fruits, its also known for its wonderful seafood selection including caviar, king crab and giant squid rings.


The town is largely made of sandstone pulled from the sorrounding seacliffs, the buildings are built squat and square, with dark wooden support and terracotta shingles. threaded through the buildings are brightly coloured cotton sails which help to safeguard people from the harsh sun, she streets are lines with light, large smooth stones. Glass windows are decorated with simple dyes diamond shapes casting fractal colours.


Denmaerd exists south east of the country, they are further south than Zentawen and are the the most easterly settlement, aside from the islands. They are the southernmost point on the Elven Network Trade Route


The city exists towards the warmer end of the land, far away from the Tundra, here the soild is fertile and able to be tilled. Despite this they do need to face off against mist and fog, as well as coastal waves and severe storms.

Natural Resources

Denmaerd has acess to a rich coastal environment that is teeming with life, making a proud fishing industry, they also have large cliffs of soft sedementary rock which they have used to construct a number of their most important buildings from. Being on a coastal plains long grass reeds are in abundance. These are used in weaving baskets, furiture elements and shoes.

Magic Status

Anti Magic- Severe
Inhabitant Demonym

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