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Eustace Du Mar

Eustace is the mother of Sloan Du Mar.She was a single mother who practically raised Sloan alone from birth. A Zentawen native herself she was a blackmith who lived in the middling ring of the city ran a small forge with a few close colegues. The forge specialised in the construction of nails and tacks which were supplied to the city builders.   She and Sloan lived in a small house at the back of the forge during the day she trained him in her craft, and at night she taught him to read and write. She always intended that he would take over the blacksmith's when he was older and elevate it to greater things, although Sloan seemed more interested in playing make-belive knights.   Eustace was well-liked by her neightbors an collegues and was especially close with a family of clerics who hosted the The Church of Tarn , the Wordens. Her son Sloan and their son Thoma got along famously. When not working in the Blacksmith Eustace would help her neighbors was was known for being able to make poultices for healing, she could also brew a cup of Jester Weed tea. Which was helpful as her son would often take seriously ill with fevers that burned hot and intense but thankfully died quickly.   One day Sloan took seriously ill to the point that physicians informed her he would likely die, the community outpoured sympathy, none more supportave than the Wordens. Which is why when youn Sloan miraculously pulled through many were in disbelief.   It was as she was changing the cool compresses on her sons forhead that the The Royal Guard arrived at her door, Someone in her community has reported her as a soceror, how else could her son have survived? She was taken away and handed over to the Brotherhood of Tarn and was never seen again.   In the wake of her arrest The other members of the forge offered to buy the forge from Sloan as he was too young to run it properly, when he agreed he was paid and then evicted. The forge still burns today but Sloan never patrols down the street to see it.

Physical Description

Body Features

Eustace was tall and muscular, from working the forges, she has wild orange curly hair, always pulled back and a smattering of freckles.

Special abilities

It is unknown if Eustace was a soceror, but Sloan remembers that no matter hold long she has been working in the forge or what the situation was she always had cool, soothign hands.
Date of Birth
19th, of Virtue, 795
Date of Death
45th, of Diligence, 836
1125 1166
Circumstances of Death
Conversion by the Brotherhood of Tarn
Place of Death
The Keep
Feminine presenting, but often wore mens' work clothes.
Long, curled and ginger, always seen pulled up
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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