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Jester Weed

"Its removal is the errant and futile effort of fools, it is making jesters of us." -A Zentawen official on the removal of jester weed

Jester Weed is a tough reed-like plant, which grows around water sources like lakes and rivers. It grows both quickly and efficently utilising both the sunlight and nutrients in the water source. Jest Weed is a deep-rooting plant that sinks far into the bed of the water source, able to withstand currents and filter the water of toxins. Many smaller towns have Jester Week planted around thir rives dams as it help to clean and filter the water.   The same qualities that make it ideal for smaller towns make it nightmarish for larger ones, as jester weed can grow several meters out from a river's edge it is able to stem the flow of smaller rivers, impacting the flow of fresh water through larger citites. This has become much more of an issue in recent years with the increase of cross-country trade and the rise of trading hubs. the seeds which would normally have been left in secluded bodys of water have now been brought all over by people looking to trade or by people who have unwittingly carried the seeds.   Jester weed has been found growing in sewers, moats and even deep gutters which in an urban setting not only impeed water flow but can act as a net catching debris, futher clogging up sytems with junk and drowned pests.   Jester weed has been found growing in sewers, moats and even deep gutters which in an urban setting not only impeed water flow but can act as a net catching debris, futher clogging up sytems with junk and drowned pests. For settlements that rely on river-centric crops, like that of Rakside/ The Rakes' Hide and their grain crops, jester weed is disasterous as it grows so quickly that it strangles other plants with its thick roots an soaks up nutrients in the water. if the plants are not cleared out quickly enough it can destroy entire crops in a matter of days. The issue is that jester weed- being so sturdy and thickly rooted takes time and strength to remove, its almost impossible to remove them by hand and is best taken care of by machine. The plant must then be burned to prevent new ones from taking root. Its a long, arduous and most importantly, expensive effort.   The name 'jester weed' is said to have come from an exasperated government member of Zentawen who once said 'Its removal is the errant and futile effort of fools, it is making jesters of us.'  


Jester weed, both, the stalks and seeds are banned from all major cities including Zentawen, Denmaerd, Wintrow and even Rakside/ The Rakes' Hide. Jester weed that has been roasted and pounded into tea is permitted.  


Jester weed makes for an amazing tea, it is an anti-oxident and anti-inflamitory that is said to have remarkable healing effects. The tea reportedly makes one feel relaxed and calmed, promoting good rest. The catch is that it is fragile and easy to both over heat and over steep. When done so it takes a strong acidic bitter flavour, unpopular with children. Very few can prepare the tea correctly, as it takes a watchful eye and skilled hand. When done so its said to have a mild nutty and sweet flavour which is enjoyable. Morturn boasts that he is able to make the best brew across the land.  

Flower meaning

Jester weed is an ugly addition to any bouquet, it has no meaning aside from 'cheap gutter gift' but when paired with crimson Verbane it uniquely can indicate that 'one is sorrounded by enemies.'

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