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Titles within the Worship of Tarn

A complete listing of all of the titles found across both the The Church of Tarn and The Brotherhood of Tarn. The following titles are listed in descending order with the exception of sopecialist titles.  


The novitiate is the lowest rank within both churches it crosses the line between a member of the public and a member of the church. It is the absolute starting rank for anyone who joins the service of the church without family who are already joined. A novitiate typically studies to advance though the ranks and is able to participate in the maintenance of the church and come community-driven activities.  


Lectren is a role reserved for children and and is only granted to children who are over the age of ten years old. To classify as a Lectren you must be born into the church and have either one parent who is the rank of cleric or above or two parents who are at least the rank of scribe. Lectren are able to participate in church services and make small community addresses.  


Lector is the adult version of a Lectren they are able to make self-directed community addresses, collect donations and lead some prayer and hymns. They are more engaged in the maintenance and stewardship of the churches, shrines and alters and for some small settlements they may be engages in financial matters of the church. They are unable to lead formal burial rites or ordain marriages.  


Scribe refers to a member of the church who does not directly engage with the public but instead studies and records religious focused history. They may seek to interpret and phillosophise about older pieces of scripture or recorded history and also may document new events of historical significance. Some scribes may even be sent to areas in order to record events as they happen in real time.  


Clerics are powerful positions within the Church of Tarn. In smaller settlements and rural areas most churches will have a cleric as their highest rank. Clerics are church leaders who oversee the financial goals of the church, set goals and dictate what values are most important t the community. They have a larger number of hymns and scripture that they can access. And are able to ordain marriages and perform burial rites. Some cleric may travel as missionaries or may specialise in areas like battlefields. Cleric is the highest ranks in which a member of the church may be wed and have children.  


Acolytes are bound to one specific area or church they are typically found in larger areas like trading hubs and cities. They are able to negotiate and work alongslide other large churches. And can perform the duties of all ranks below them, they can also give out lower ranks than their own t others. Acolytes are unable to be wed of have new children but any previous family ties are still acknowledged. Acolytes work alongside local governments and royal law and representatives to meet their goals. An acolyte must have experience with both th studies of a cleric and a scribe.  

High Acolyte

High acolytes are the inner circle of the religious industry and are able to give out ranks as well as dictate the writing of new scripture. They push for communal goals and policies as well as dictating pressing matters and priorities. High acolytes work closely with nobility and royalty to influence law and negotiate financial matters. This rank takes many years and much study to achieve This is the only rank in which both the Church of Tarn and the Brotherhoood of Tarn work in the same circle. High acolytes can also nominate a specific ranks within the church or Tarn called an 'Aquittor'. High Acolytes may not wed or have children and all familial ties are nulled. At present there are only six high acolytes in the kingdom.  

Specialist titles- Chrurch of Tarn


The Aquittor is on the same rank level as an Acolyte, however they have one extended power. An Aquittor has the ability to seek a pardon for anyone who has been detained either by the law of by the Brotherhood of Tarn. To do this they must present a case of evidence before all six of the High Acolytes and any nessecary law officials or members of the nobility. For a pardon to be examined a a majority must be in favour, three members of lower and the pardon is refuted, if the majarity is obtained the pardon request and its evidence will be examined. To become an Aquittor you must be nominated by three high acolytes. At present there are only two Aquittor in the kingdom.  

Ranks within the Brotherhood of Tarn

  The brotherhood of Tarn follows all ranks until the rank of high acolyte with the exception of Aquittor, Lector and Lectren. Aquittor is only obtainable by a member of the Church of Tarn. The title of lector and Lectren are seen as redundant titles and members instead begin as a novitiate, study for longer period and are funnelled into the following path ways:   -Novitiate >> Scribe >> Alchemist -Novitiate >> Cleric >> Paladin >> Martinet -Novitiate >> Cleric >> Confessor   These titles them rejoin with the title of Acolyte and holds the same powers and responsibilities as those nominated by the church of Tarm. Descriptions of each rank are as follows.


Paladins are an offshoot of a cleric. They are a roaming squadron of religious knights which bring justice to the common folk and enforce the law. They are able to arrest people suspected of sorcery or of practicing other faiths, at an extreme they can exercise their right to kill common citizens. Paladins can perform burial rites and marriage rites. Paladins are unable to be wed and are expected to be celibate.  


The martinet is the squadron leader of the paladins. Paladins typically patrol in groups of four to six with an added martinet. A martinet can dictate patrol paths and can make excecutive decisions for the squadron. They are able to take confessions and recognise conversion to the worship of Tarn. Like paladins they cannot wed and must remain celibate.  


Alchemists are members of the discovery divsion of the Brotherhood of Tarn which was established by Godkin Hossencroft, they are confined to The Keep and never leave. Their mission is to explore the sciences and to make new discoveries and develop new technology, although prohibited from practicing sorcery both in an outside of the church many find that the line between science and magic is very blurry.


Confessors watch over those who are detained by paladins and held within the cells of The Keep. Confessors care for those detained and encourage them to confess to their sins and misgivings. The aim of a confesso is to facilitate conversions to the worship of Tarn which they do through various persuasive states, a confessors job is too inherently save as many souls as possible through conversion. The ability to recognise conversion can only be done through confessors and martinets.    

Godkin Steward

The second highest rank in the Brotherhood of Tarn, the stewards job is to act as the right hand of the Godkin, they tend to the Godkin's personal needs whilst also acting as his or her mouth piece. They dictate his will to those below them and correspond with royalty and other powerful organisations. They govern a lot of church logistics and inner workings. This typically is a precursor to being elected to the title of Godkin.  


The Godkin is the highest rank in the brotherhood and can only ever be held by one person, the title is then held until they die. The rank of Godkin can only be given to one person who is nominated by the current Godkin. In the event a Godkin dies without a successor one will be decided by the high Acolytes and typically is chosen from the stewards. To be a Godkin is to be the closest living person to Tarn Themself. A Godkin is above the law and some say even above the laws of nature as they possess an unnaturally long life for a human. A Godkin's job is to pray and commune with Tarn. They can change scripture, and dictate the laws of the church including integrating and abolishing divisions, changing the purpose and goals of the church and nominating how resources are delegated. The current Godkin, Godkin Hossencroft has Ben serving in his position for fifty odd years.  

Ranks across both churches in order of hierarchy

-novitiate -Lectren -lector -scribe -cleric -paladin -martinet -acolyte -alchemist -confessor -Aquittor -high acolyte -Godkin's Steward -Godkin
Religious, Clerical

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Aug 20, 2024 22:55 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article. I see you used it to describe quite a few ranks and titles in your world.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3