Crest Spider Species in Fundekein | World Anvil
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Crest Spider

Basic Information


These massive monsters are spiderlike in form, and even have the tendencies of similar to spiders, However there doesn't seem to be any kind of concrete link between them and actual spiders   They have massive cavities inside them to spawn broodlings to carry out their hunts and bring back prey and massive pincers to drag prey away that happens to get too close to them

Genetics and Reproduction

it is unknown how Crest Spiders reproduce or where they even come from

Ecology and Habitats

They reside deep within forest and make there homes known to all with huge networks of web that they and their broodlings use to travel and capture prey   they have also been spotted in the Underdark, but those sightings seem to be rarer as they prefer to stay on the surface

Dietary Needs and Habits

They exclusively hunt sentient beings, even ignoring large collections of livestock and other easy prey for the chance to instead acquire a single sentient person as a meal

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

It is unknown if they are truly sentient or follow a deep ingrained directive to hunt sentient beings and have simply evolved effective ways of doing so

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Crest Spider are perfectly capable of using magic, and do so to great affect to lure and ensare sentient prey with illusions and mind control, coaxing them into an inescapable trap.   They are nearly blind and rely on a magical sense to get information from their environment, aswell as vibrations transmitted through their webs as common spiders would

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Crest Spiders constantly spawn broodlings that appear to be dog sized spiders that normally hunt for it. Despite the broodlings coming from a Crest Spider, they are completely incapable of growing to the size of one and usually perish in a mere 24 hours
Genetic Descendants


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Dec 6, 2022 00:42

Makes me want to request a tactical nuke drop on it's location.