Dalda Character in Fundekein | World Anvil
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Dalda Farum

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dalda grew up as a warrior within the Adrann burrows, living his life of contest with the surface world. He has survived many encounters with those above including Kaiyn's Lurkers, and separatist. He was able to survive all of these encounters and win most of them. This changed for him when his scouting party encounter more surfacers, who had been apparently looking for survivors of a crash that happened near their burrow. They ambushed the surfacers, but were quickly outmatched and outsmarted. With Dalda's first actual loss, he expected to be killed, but was surprised when he was instead allowed to live, he invited the surfacer, Bruzak and his allies to come down and meet with his Chief. When they met with the Chief, soon broke out between the surfacers, a splinter faction of the Adrann, and the Cheif. Right at the start of the battle Bruzak had pinned Dalda and convinced him that his fight was done, and not interfere with the fight. Dalda relectuntly agreed, and stayed out of the fight. He admired the surfacers ability to fight toe to toe with his Chief. He finally joined the fight against his Chief when his death had brought about the arrival of an abomination. After the abomination was slain, he asked to join Bruzak's crew, ready to follow along with those who showed such strength, and ready to lend his own to a new pack

Intellectual Characteristics

Well not conventionally intelligent, Dalda has a large amount of combat experience, especially against those that have better technology, or a an advantage over him and his team. Using tactics to his advantage to win any encounter was just another way to show his own strength

Morality & Philosophy

Dalda is ruthless and battle hungry. He has little sense of 'honor' but respects those that show considerable strength, be it through their ability to lead, combat prowess, or their desire to survive

Personality Characteristics


As of now, his goal is to learn from the crew of the Ripcurrent, and gain more experience for himself
Current Status
Now part of 'Team Space'
Southern Kaiyn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White and Grey Fur
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Strength like your is admirable"


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