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Galileo's Airship - Nightingale Arcadia

Power Generation

The Ship is powered by a multiple Golem Cores that keep its multiple enchantments active aswell as a small full formed Golem located at its core that regulates the magical power needed for each section of the ship at proper times so it is not overloaded, or underpowered in certain sections at times

 Even in the event its cores fail for one reason or another, the ships sails are partially crafted from Nex Deer  leather and can absorb ambient magic in an area to keep the ship functional in emergency situations for a small amount of time. These "Magic Sails" can fold into the frame when not in use


The "Magic Sails" also function to make the ship extremely steady in normally turbulent winds and other conditions, allowing it to even sail into many storms with little to no problems.
 Using unknown rune work that seems to more closely resemble the first airships of Fund, it is capable of much greater speeds than most airships, however, because of its rather thick armor and extra functionality, it could not claim the title of "Fastest Airship" and wouldn't even break the top 5

Weapons & Armament

The Ship has no actual offensive capabilities, as it was not designed to ever be in a fight, but ensure that it never has to be in one

Armor and defense

This ship was built with the concept of being able to survive an attack from a Fallen Angel and escape without serious damage. The ship's hull was made with harvested enchanted wood from the Surreal Isle and lightly enchanted even further to increase its overall durability. While not the most protective metal, The outside metal trimming of the ship is crafted from Rose Gold, but is also enchanted to ensure that it doesn't present an obvious weak point in case of an attack. each of the Golem cores power the ship also have a single defensive or utility spell to keep the ship safe, which includes: A very short range Blink, a Counterspell, a Spell Turning, a very short term Invisibility , and an enhanced Mending spell. Each of these can be used once an hour


The Ships pilot box is actually internal to ensure that the pilot themselves is always in a safe position to get the Airship clear of any dangers, there are Artificer made mirrors of scrying to give the pilot a visual of the area around the ship without the use of windows

Additional & auxiliary systems

The ship is fully capable of having enough staff and supplies to function without docking or landing for up to two months comfortably    The most notable feature of this ships is an artifact that allows it to "Plane Skip" giving it the ability to move between planes rather frequently and even sports the necessary enchantments to make any plane it visits safe for those aboard, such as still being cool and breezy while in the plane of fire (Though it does not extend to crew if they leave the ship in said plane)
38 Platnium
Related Technologies
295 ft
150 ft (with sails out)
Complement / Crew
32 Crew Max


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