Yoakk Species in Fundekein | World Anvil
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Basic Information


This small furry insects are unremarkable and mostly mundane. They are about the size of a common squirrel and make there homes out of silk atop forest tress.

Biological Traits

they have a mild venom they use when hunting, while mostly harmless to most races, those that are smaller can succumb to it's effects, which are mild paralysis and a loss of consciousness

Growth Rate & Stages

It has been rumored that a Yoak that has been able to grow to over a 1000 Years in age will become a Crest Spider. but no concrete evidence for that has ever been recorded.

Ecology and Habitats

They live in forest and every now and then venture into fields for their favored prey. Like common insects they are not used to cold temperatures and are usually not found far to the North and South, but notably, are also intolerant to high temperatures and enjoy more temperate zones

Dietary Needs and Habits

They mostly feast on other insects and small mammals, but they're preferred prey are mites, which they'll set traps for among the stalks of plants mites usually prefer to eat

Additional Information


They have not been properly domesticated, but it is not entirely strange to have one as a household pet, as they seem completely docile around most sentient races, though they may attempt to prey upon smaller ones such as gnomes, kobolds, and goblins

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their silk and venom are both harvested and used in products. The silk is of a more common variety and is not considered entirely vaulable, but can make for comfortable clothing, but would normally not pass as 'luxury' material. The venom is normally milked to be used by doctors and clerics as a mild anesthetic

Average Intelligence

their intelligence can be equated to that of a common housecat

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

they have excellent hearing and use this to hunt their prey


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