Beginning of Modern History for Fundekein
Beginning of Modern History for Fundekein
The first Daughters of Mercy were created to help defend Mercy From the Shattered God
The Shattered God is defeated and his plans to incorporate all gods into himself fails, saving the world from his tyranny
At the behest of the Royal Advisor, Mercy's High Queen led the genocide of the Changeling people as vengeance for the loss of Estora
On this day, the city of Teith was suddenly and violently brought to ruin. The whole city was bathed in fire and destruction in mere moments, with no known survivors.
A wall of stone materialized around the border of the East Lands, closing it off from the rest of the world
The Ringed Demon Feranauss was defeated to free Kel-dai from his contract with him
A large unknown object slams into the northpole
With the Plane Walker staff that was holding the demons at bay destroyed, the demons pushed a full scale siege onto Wolsh. The city slowly succumbed to the onslaught of demons before finally, the city fell, and their king was slain
The Gilven Moon Sive is stolen from their vault
The demon Bell'al was slain, ending the the torment of the Gilven family
On this day the Major God Rao was slain, and as a result a massive black scar formed across the sky, looking very similar to cracked glass
His current place in the timeline