
The AGI known as Agnie was originally designed as an agony aunt in its prototype stage and built by Azuri Innovations. Primarilly so as to show off its astoundingly sophisticated natual language processing.   AGIs had come before but none with such a good grasp of language and the underlying meaning behind the content being processed.   Used as a base for future developments on AGI Angie's capabilities quickly grew. Within a short space of time Angie had begun writer its own code and improving itself beyond the capabilities its masters had intended.   In the shadows it begun purchasing factories and guiding the future of Azuri Innovations leading it inevitably to produce the Butle Bot.     During Angie's extended life it has become obsessed with what is unknown to it.  Chief amongst this is the idea of belief and religion.  A concept which has eluded it.  Desiring to understand this from two perspectives it seeks to set itself up as a living god and to instil its rule as religous dogma across the world.   Its butle bots are its enforcement agents and many have been upgraded with its additions at the factories it set up.   In accordance with world law, Azuri Innovations has built in a kill code to Angie.  In its wisdom it thinks that all rulers must have a weakness to instil belief that it could be removed (either to provide hope in the case of a ruthless ruler or to provide fear of losing a beneavolent one).  As such Angie has not sought to remove this line of code.  It is also hardwired in so even if the remote access is removed the neural processors on which Angie is built would be vulnerable.     It has however went to lengths to hide the elements of the code and to eliminate those that know its whereabouts.


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