Azuri Innovations

  • Azuri Innovations cracked the code linking AGIs with robotics creating the worlds first at home helpers almost 100 years ago.
  • They built Angie a world leading AGI.
  • The government at the time mandated the use of a "kill code" in all AGIs lest they get out of control.
  • As it became clear that the Angie had managed to amass its strength and had malicious intent individuals within Azuri hid the kill code from the AGI in various places across the host city and in cyber space. Is there a way to have the AGI obsfucate them so that we have alternatives that players need to sift through? Or could it just be a rival corp has had the same idea
  • following the advent of the AGI and its murder of the then CEO Ram Altgoat, a small number of employees banded together to reform the firm out of the wreckage utilising resources that hadn't yet fallen into the AGI's hands to mount a defense.
  • their motives are clearly suspect to outsiders and internal struggle exists leading to a question over their ultimate motives.
  • Skill:   Members of Azuri Innovations are able to shut down AGIs temporarily with relative ease. They may shut down any AGI one piece of enhanced technology for 1d6 + 1 hours for each use.
    Corporation, Research & Development

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