D-935: Speck

Designation 935: Speck is a scientific experimental weapon developed by ARKORP to handle targeted assassinations across known space.   The creature known as Speck was once a man, but that was a long time ago. Now he is mostly machine, operating as an instrument of death which can be conveniently flat-packed for transit and capable of self repair in the field.   What little organic tissue of Speck remains acts as an electrically conductive interface, allowing him to control his various implants and cybernetics with what is left of his human mind.   As Speck is not technically a person - he cannot earn likes in the traditional manner. Instead, any profits made from his performance in Future Club are used to upgrade his cybernetics and, if he's been a good boy, give him what he would consider 'a treat'.   Theme song - The Swedish Rhapsody by The Conet Project   Stats: 28hp 3 movement Self repair with tech (1d6 per action) 1d6 pistols - silenced (x2) 2d6 sniper rifle Advantage on attacks if he has attacked a target on the previous turn (up to 3 times - any more overloads his organic mind and causes a 1 turn system reboot) Capable of remote hacking using a mobile phone.
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