Destroyers of Worlds

The nomadic fleet of the Destroyers of Worlds has been moving through known space for over two hundred years, their elite warriors leaving a trail of blood through the galaxy. No government dares take them on, preferring instead to just leave them be and pray they don't ever cross their path.


A vast armada of ships of many origins united under one banner, the one of death and destruction. Led by many Generals, Captains or Adjucators, each ship is free to do as it will. There is no real ruling body. Each ship brings back the things they can from they scavenge and contribute to the armada as well as they can.   Obviously, the ship commandants with the voice that matters most are the ones with more ships and more soldiers at their disposal, but it is not an official rule. There seems to be a vassalage system in place, where the larger factions will lord over smaller ones. As it stands, there seem to be three main factions ruling over the others in various degrees.    The smaller factions often branch away from the fleet, to scout or to pillage smaller worlds. If they find something that is too big for them alone, they go back to their liege to get their help. If it's too big even then, then the whole armada will change course. It's a rare event, but it often results in entire empires being wiped from known space.


Destroyers Of Worlds are not one species. They come from accross a multitude of peoples. Often loners, prisoners or other violent men, they are drawn by this life of purpose and order.   To be admitted to the Armada, two Destroyers of Worlds must vouch for you. If this does happen, the candidate goes through a process called the Conformity, during which they are physically torn apart and put back together. The resulting individual is a force of nature, a superhuman mountain of strength. That is, if they survive. If they do, they are granted their armor. They are psycologically retrained and remodelled, and then released into the Armada. There, they are expected to find their own way, gravitating to a faction or a ship of their choice.   If a DoW wants to start their faction, they must have their own ship. From then, they can proclaim their indepedance whenever they want and proceed to recruit men for their own army. There is rarely conflict between factions. Ultimately, every DoW seems to work in service of one goal and one goal only, which they never speak of to outsiders.    Outsiders are nothing to the DoWs. Less than people, less than cattle, they are about as significant as the bullets needed to get through them.

Public Agenda

Pillage, scavenge, destroy.     Scholars and historians have suspected that they are collecting weapons and technology for something, which might become clearer as they get closer to the Rift, which seems to be their destination. What testimonies we have collected seem to indicate that they are looking for something, and they intend to destroy it.


Estimated: Fleet:
  • 6 large battleships
  • 20+ cruisers
  • 100+ frigates
  • Dozens of additional spacecrafts
  • 10.000 Destroyers of Worlds 
  • 30.000 crew and slaves of various denomination


While it is unclear where they come from, the Destroyers Of Worlds claim to be from another time entierly, having been lost in the space between space for centuries, possibly millenia, before emerging near the Arm in 199.730. The then small armada immediately painted the local planets in blood and took the time to upgrade their ships. They 've been moving slowly since then, away from the arm, towards the Rift.   Now having grown significantly over the centuries, recruiting any lost soul into their life of violence, they are a formidable army of death and destruction, consisiting of over three hundred factions, big or small.

Ashes to ashes, worlds to ruin

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Alternative Names
The Horned ones, The quiet horny guys
Destroyer of World
Manufactured Items
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