Grandmaster Links

Grandmaster Elazar Links Mikel

Grandmaster Links lives a nomadic lifestyle, travelling through the galaxy with an eclectic collection of students.

The Art of The Dancing Chains

  After his falling out with Grandmaster Skellington, Elazar travelled the world. His short temper and now very well honed skills got him into trouble after trouble, until he eventually found himself incarcerated. With only the chains he was wrapped in as weapons, he tore through the prison and made his escape with convincts that would eventually become his first students.   In hiding with these convincts of various origins, he developped the Art Of The Dancing Chains, a martial art based on the use of heavy metal chains as whips. With practice, he achieved unbelievable speeds with the chains. He eventually returned to Grandmaster Skellington to demonstrate his new art. Upon their third duel, Grandmaster Skellington pushed Elazar to his limits, forcing him to display an incredible range of skill with these instruments. After defeating him yet again, Skellington named him Grandmaster. Elazar elected to use his middle name, "Links" from now on, to reflect his weapons of choice.
Year of Birth
Aligned Organization


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