Grumman's World


For centuries, a hereditary governor ruled Grumman's World. The Grummans passed the title on from eldest child to eldest child. Their rule was tyrannical and merciless, but over the centuries complacency grew in the Grumman household.   In 200.000, the opposition found its courage in the lack of action of Malik Grumman, the latest governor. During a routine parade, the opposition marched upon the capital. Malik had hired extra help in the form of Future Club contestants, to be his private security force. As the march and the parade collided violently, Malik himself was mortally wounded. In his final moments, Daddy John convinced him to nominate him acting governor.   Since then, the rule of Daddy John has been marked by corporate investment and massive franchising of the eponymous Daddy Johns brand all accross the planet.
Alternative Name(s)
Pizza World
Included Organizations
Owning Organization


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